Trial Day 2 Part 2

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DECEMBER 27, 8:03 AM
ROOM 1012

Mr. Faraday had helped Dick and I out on our testimonies. After doing so, he gave us a video clip of the events that happened during Father's first trial as a Defense Attorney. It was a record of the events that happened in that trial from the Defendant's Lobby and Trial from security camera footage, Mother, a Wendy Oldbag and a Robert Hammond. Since Mother was involved, I wanted to know what had happened in that trial.


I arrived earlier than everyone else. Well, looks like this is it. My first case as a Defense Attorney. Why am I so nervous? It's not like I've never been to a trial before! Calm down, Gregory Edgeworth, if you don't get your act together, you're never going to save Rachael or your child. Is it a he or a she? (1) Ugh! Why am I thinking like this! Focus Greg! Focus!

"Good morning, Sunshine! I see you came in bright and early," I heard my mentor tease. I groaned.

"Not now, Chief. I'm trying to concentrate," I said a little harshly. Geez, why am I so nervous!?

"Wow, I've seen better days. How do you expect to defend your client with that face?" The Chief asked with his displeased look.

"I'M FINE! (2) I've been in trials plenty of times! I can do this!"

"If this is how you lie, you make the worst lawyer on the face of the earth," I heard my client tease.

"R-Rachael! I didn't see you!" I responded, feeling sweat on the back of my neck, trying to force a calm expression.

"Relax, many Defense Attorneys get nervous on their first go," Rachael assured, then looked at my mentor. "Mr. Hammond, did you bring the tea?"

"Yep! You both have fifteen minutes before it's game time. You should use this time to relax a little. You look like you're going to burst, Greggy. It's not a good look on you," the Chief teased with his own smirk.

"You're hilarious."

"Aren't you going to stay?" Rachael asked the Chief.

"I would, but I've got a trial of my own. I only came to wish my favorite student good luck," the Chief grinned.

"Cheeky, but you know you're basically leaving your student in the dust."

"No worries, I've already called an old friend of his that was more than happy to help," the Chief smirked. (3)

"Old... wait... no... you didn't! I told you not to get her involved! You do realize that my client is my girlfriend! (4) How do you expect that to go well!?" I blew up, now more panicked than I was before. I think my face turned red.

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