Midtrial Day 3 Part 1

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DECEMBER 28, 8:15 PM

I returned to the Defendant Lobby, pouring myself some tea. Misty sat herself down on the couch, looking tired and slightly off. I noticed this earlier during my trial. It was like one moment she was pushing me to defend myself in court, then the next moment, she seems worn out. I began worrying that she might've caught a bug.

"Is everything alright? Would you like some tea?" I offered.

"Huh? Oh, I'm perfectly fine. Sure, some tea would be lovely," Misty agreed. I smiled, pouring some tea before hearing the door open.

There, behind the door, was what looked to be like a young girl, perhaps ten years old, carrying a small toddler on her back. She had long brown hair and wore exotic clothing like Misty. She ran to Misty with dream-like eyes.

"Mommy, I saw you at the trial. You were amazing!" The girl said. Oh, this must be Misty's daughter.

"Mia, aren't you supposed to be with Mr. Hammond?" Misty asked.

"I was, but he told me Maya and I should support you from the gallery. I also felt the spirit's distress and wanted to help," Mia explained. I'm not going to even ask what she's talking about.

"Oh... I see."

"Also, Mr. Hammond's been acting really strange, Mommy. I'm really worried about him."

"What's going on with Mr. Hammond?" I asked. I knew Robert was protective of me in his own way when I'm in deep trouble, but hearing a child say this worries me.

"I don't know. He told Mommy to help you in your trial and me to be in the gallery instead of assisting him. He's never been someone to do things alone, especially without a spirit medium. He usually has me with him, at least, just in case he needs the extra help," Mia replied, seemingly troubled.

"Twouble. Twouble," the little girl on Mia's back, whom I'm guessing is Maya, babbled.

"This... is bad," Misty said, then placed her hand on her forehead.

"Misty..." I said helplessly.

"It's the summoning. It's very taxing," Mia explained.

"Summoning?" I asked, feeling confused. Then, I began remembering how Misty acted before she started acting tired and dizzy. Now, that I think about it, her presence did feel familiar. Even her voice didn't sound like Misty's, now looking back. It sounded like...

"Yeah, it's hard to tell, but unless you see her full face, you can never tell if it's a summoning or not. I can, because I'm a young spirit medium like Mommy. I can't summon yet, but I can feel the presence of other spirits, especially if they're in distress. Even now, I can feel her."

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