Trial Part 1

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DECEMBER 26 10:24 AM

Somehow, I expected Blaise to try to cut to the trial before I had enough time to fully investigate the crime scene. It was the reason why I woke up as early as possible, and start the investigation. After filling out the paperwork to defend Manfred Von Karma, I was certain that the prosecution would've heard word of this. No doubt he would not be too joyful about having to see my face again. I'm certain he's still angry with me for leaving him the way I did nine years ago.

Despite knowing my past full well, Blaise knew better than to bring it up. I still had concrete and physical proof of what he did to Rachael Newslayday. If he planned on bringing up old wounds, I would just attack back with his own skeletons in his closet. We knew each other really well; so well that we could write novels about each other. Blaise knows that he would not be sitting in the Chief Prosecutor's chair if I had not been promoted as Chief Detective once upon a time.

During our early break time before trial, I used this time to explain to Von Karma about my relationship with Blaise Debeste. This was to avoid breaking Conflict of Interest (1). Even though Blaise and I are on bad terms now, we still had a very long history together. The judge already knew, having judged previous trials with Blaise as the prosecutor and me as his detective working on the case. This would be the first time the two of us would face each other.

"Heh, so, my boss cheated his way to the top thanks to you. I knew he was a fool, but this certainly takes the cake," Von Karma grinned.

"Not a comment I'd be making to my boss, but I suppose I don't blame you," I said.

"Hmph, he never bothered paying me a visit or interrogating me. I was expecting him to at least pull a few insults, while I was behind bars. But no, instead, all I get is threatening messages concerning my so called son."

"Any updates on him?"

"Nothing. I haven't heard anything, since you last spoke with me."

I rubbed my chin, thinking. Something must've happened. Usually, Blaise would often update to make sure everything went according to his plan. Even though he's not a genius, he's certainly the master of manipulation. It was what made the two of us inseparable. He was the one with the influence and money, while I was the one with the brains and planning. I knew he would slip without me, but I never expected it to be this much.

"What are you thinking?" Von Karma asked.

"I'm thinking... something must've happened. Blaise is very influential and manipulative. He had the masses at the palm of his hand. To interrogate you into submission would be child's play for him. To not update you on Miles seems out of character for him."

"Did Miles escape?"

"I don't know. It's possible or that he, at least, has been making escape attempts. My son inherited the best of Rachael and I, my genius and her calmness and will. I remember when I interrogated Rachael, she was very calm, collective, always being three steps ahead of her opponent. She was a force to be reckoned. Just one glare was enough to send chills down your spine. Miles has that glare, calmness and the ability to be three steps ahead."

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