PreTrial Day 3

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DECEMBER 28, 7:15 AM

I was woken up very early to have breakfast before being taken by the police to the Defendant's Lobby. Yesterday was an emotional roller coaster, being interrogated by Damon, then making up with him and Wendy. Detective Badd arrived inside the Defendant's Lobby I was staying in. I expected him to be the detective of this case. It was then that I realized that Damon interrogated me, because Prosecutor Faraday knew that Damon was the only detective that knew how to get to me, if I started acting uncooperative. Tyrell knew how to interrogate, but I was also his former boss, meaning I knew the right tricks to avoid cooperation, if he tried interrogating me.

"Prosecutor Faraday asked me to hand you the evidence for your trial," Detective Badd said, handing me the evidence I will need for the trial. I will give Prosecutor Faraday this, he never leaves the Defense empty-handed. "Prosecutor Von Karma also retrieved the full documentation of what Blaise Debeste had smuggled into your old office through zip-line and asked me for a complete translation in English. You will receive the full documentations in both languages."

"Thank you," I thanked the detective.

"One more thing. I thought I'd give you back this," Detective Badd said, handing me Manfred's book Homicide Law.

"Why? Shouldn't this be returned to Prosecutor Von Karma?"

"He has a copy of his own and..." Detective Badd replied, then removed his sucker from his mouth. "if you have any chance on getting yourself out of this mess, that book might be your ticket."


"Consider that as an act of forgiveness."


"I realize now you left us so we wouldn't be under the leadership of a smuggling scum. I... also had some time to think. You're a pretty terrible person, but you're also someone that's been hurt more times than any of us could count. You ditched us, but... we also ditched you as well. I allowed my pride to see you in a much darker picture than you really were. Perhaps... all of us are capable of doing certain acts of evil." (1)

"Tyrell, I'm very proud of what you've become. The only mistake I made was letting you down."

"... hmph, you let yourself down, but for me... I've learned to move on and live my life. If anything is to happen, I will keep my eyes on Miles." (2)

"Thank you."

"Anyways, that's all I'm going to say. Detective Gant will give you the forensics results," Detective Badd replied, leaving the lobby before I let out a sigh.

I heard the door open again; it was Miles. I smiled widely as he came with a tray holding a kettle of hot tea, sugar, cold cream and some tea cups. He poured me some tea and made it how I liked it. I knew he wasn't going to be watching my trial. He would be assisting Manfred with Blaise's trial. Even so, I'm still happy that Miles came to see me before both trials commenced.

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