Investigation Day 2 Part 1

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I left the Detention Center just as Raymond came running to me. He called my name frantically, then stopped and panted as soon as he was in front of me. I waited for him to catch his breath.

"Raymond?" I asked.

"Sorry, I tried to get you earlier, but you were already meeting with your client. It's about Jeff. When I was visiting him an hour ago, he told me he saw Miles!" Raymond cried.


"Debeste... that... ugh! He has some nerve! He tried kidnapping Miles again, but if that wasn't enough, he claimed he'd keep Miles even after Von Karma was declared Guilty," Raymond glared angrily. Blaise... you coward. You would do that. "He said he'd use Miles to keep you quiet about something. Do you know what he's talking about."

"... he must've known," I muttered sorrowfully. "I have tons of evidence proving what he did to Rachael. I did a lot of investigating, while Rachael was still alive. I even have evidence of the motive for framing her and the death sentence."

"You do? You never told me about that."

"That's because I planned on using it once Miles turned 15 and old enough to live on his own. Once there, Blaise will be proven his guilt, but... as you know, I was involved in the forgery that led to Rachael's death sentence."

"Well yeah, you told... wait... you... no. Don't tell me...!" Raymond said, now realizing what it would mean for me. I tilted my hat downward to cover the top half of my face. "No, you can't do that! You... You've changed! You're not the same person you used to be! There has to be a away!"

"If there is, it's very slim. True, I did commit forgery and the statute of limitation for fraud is only five years, but murder is 15 years."

"B-But... you didn't murder anyone!"

"I was an accomplice, Raymond. Accomplices are given the same sentence as the culprit they were an accomplice of. What Manfred is going to face for Attempted Murder cannot even compare to what I will be facing. Attempted Murder only faces life imprisonment at the worst. If Blaise is proven to have committed first degree murder, which he has and I have proof for..." (1)

"You can't be serious! You didn't even know he was going to kill her!"

"Do you think I don't know that!? Believe me, I tried everything to stop Blaise, even creating a child with Rachael when we had only known each other no more than a week in order to lengthen her death sentence. I became a Defense Attorney in hopes of changing her verdict, but that wasn't enough. She's dead now Raymond and it's just as much my fault as it is Blaise's. I forged that evidence, I helped out Blaise, I became his puppet and I will soon pay the price for my actions."

"Still, there has to be a way!"

"If there is, it will have to be in the law. Mr. Von Karma told me he had a book called Homicide Law. If there is a way around my fate, then it would be that book," I stated.

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