you gotta stop doing that

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"okay see you guys later" lili said to her fellow cast mates. "have fun with your boo lil" cami snickered, shooting lili a warm smile as she left the set. She and cole planned to take a walk through the park together during their break, ending with ice cream. They had barley seen each other this week. They had opposite shooting hours, with lili shooting at night whilst cole was sleeping at their apartment and cole shooting during the day whilst lili was rejuvenating. It was safe to say that they missed each other, their voices, their hugs, dearly.

Lili's smile grew three times its size when she saw the love of her live, waiting for her near the gates to the botanic gardens close to the set, holding a small bouquet of tulips. Lili's favorite. "I've missed you" she said, pulling herself towards cole who had his arms open wide. "I've missed you too bub" he replied, pulling her close and kissing her delicately on the forehead. She lifted her chin to rest on his chest and cole looked her in the eyes. Her big beautiful green eyes. "I'm sorry I've been so busy" he said, pushing a strand of golden hair from her eyes. "Me too" she said, reaching up to kiss him.

She then pulled away from his embrace and pulled him towards the entrance to the park. They started to walk through the park, hand in hand. They could hear the relaxing sounds of the trees swaying and the birds chirping, along with the odd sound of cameras snapping. It was a public park, meaning that there were bound to be fans. "Sometimes I just wish people would respect our privacy" lili said, giving cole a warm smile, him seeing the real frustration in her eyes. "I don't blame them" cole said, making lili look confused "you're just so damn beautiful that everyone wants to take photos of you". Lili sighed and looked at him, gripping his hand. "You gotta stop doing that" she said, smiling and shaking her head. "What?" Cole asked, looking at her. "Saying things that make me want to kiss you" she replied, smiling at him. It was hard being such a private couple. It meant that they couldn't do things freely like kiss in public without it being posted all over the internet. "Maybe we should head back to my trailer then" cole said, swing her her around by her waist to walk back the other direction. "I love you" he said, rubbing small circles on her soft hand. "I love you too"


Hey guys - sorry the first one is so short. I find it a lot easier to write when I know what people want to read about, so please give me some suggestions/requests in the comments and I will try to do most of them. Thank you!

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