you needed me

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Cole POV

I woke up gingerly, my arms wrapped tightly around my beautiful girlfriend. I smiled and pulled her close, feeling her warmth as I kissed her temple. She was sound asleep, oblivious of what was happening in the outside world. "Good morning my love" I whispered, stroking her face and moving a piece of her golden hair to behind her ear. She stirred and turned over in the bed to face me, smiling warmly. I looked into her gorgeous green eyes and I noticed how anxious she looked, but she hid it wonderfully.

"Morning handsome" she said, yawning. It had been a rough night. Lili's anxiety has been troubling her a lot lately, and she doesn't know what's triggering it. She would try to keep it down during the long days at set, but returned home to become the victim of yet another anxiety attack and spend the night cuddled up in my arms, sobbing. That's all I could do. Comfort her, and love her. "Did you get to sleep okay?" I asked, rubbing small circles into her shoulder. "Yes" she replied "thanks to you". I smiled at her and leant in for a kiss.

After cuddling in bed for another twenty minutes, i checked the time in my phone. It was 8 o'clock, meaning that we needed to be at set in an hour. "Are you up for shooting today love? I could talk to Robe-" I was interrupted by lili placing her finger on my lips. "I'm fine baby" she said, moving her finger from my lips to stroke my face. I wasn't too sure. She is always so good at hiding her emotions from everyone, when she shouldn't feel the need to.

We hopped in my Jeep and we started to drive to set, one of my hands on the steering wheel and the other placed in lili's, reaching to kiss it every couple of minutes. "What scenes are you shooting today?" Lili asked, trying to avoid me asking if she was okay, again. "Just a few with KJ, and a scene at pops with Skeet" I replied, shooting her a quick smile before returning my focus to the road ahead. She proceeded to tell me that she had scenes with Camila and Mädchen today, which had been the same as the day before. "I wish I had scenes with you" she said, leaning over to place her head on my shoulder. "Me too love" I replied "Me too".

We arrived at set and we headed straight to the hair and makeup trailer, hand in hand as always. "I love you" I mumbled, hugging her into my side before we went up the steps to the hair and makeup trailer. We weren't really the PDA type, and liked to keep out personal and work lives somewhat separate. "I love you too" she responded, lifting the handle and entering the trailer. "Morning everyone" I exclaimed, placing down my bag and closing the door behind me. "Good morning" Skeet said "how are we today?". Skeet was always to energetic in the mornings, even if the day started at 5am. "Tired" lili replied, chucking and putting down her bag also. Skeet and Mädchen just laughed, as lili always said she was tired. But they didn't know the real reason why.

After getting my hair and 'makeup' done I turned my chair to watch lili, who was falling asleep as she was getting her hair done. I always thought it would be tiring having her hair up in that ponytail all day. I could hair her sighing, her knee bouncing up and down repeatedly as she sat in the chair. I could tell by the look in her eyes how anxious she was. I was about to go and ask her if she was okay but I was interrupted by a crew member storming into the trailer. "Skeet and Cole, we are ready for you" he explained "Set B please, 5 minutes". I hopped up off my seat and went over to my love. I kissed her tenderly on the cheek and whispered, "call me if you need me", and she just returned a small smile from her blush lips.

Skeet and I were filming the scene where Jughead returns home from school and FP confronts him about his offer to study at stonewall prep. Roberto yelled, "okay guys, and scene!". "Hey" I said, acting as Jughead walked into the house. "Jug, you know Mr Ch-" Skeet was interrupted by the sound of a phone ringing. "Cole, it's yours" a crew member said, pulling it out of my coat pocket. "Who is it?" I asked, heading back through the so called 'door' ready to reset. "It's Lili" she said.

I immediately walked over to my cast chair and answered the call. "Love?" I asked, worriedly. Lili never calls me when she knows in shooting. "Hey" she sobbed, hyperventilating. "Where are you hun" i asked, putting my jacket on and proceeding to walk out of set B. "My trailer" "be there in a sec love, hold on". I ended the call and speed walked over to lili's trailer, which conveniently was not far away. I opened the trailer door to see her huddled on the small couch, knees right up to her chin and arms hugging her legs. "Baby" I exclaimed, walking over to pull her into my arms. "It's okay, I'm here" I whispered, comforting lili as she sobbed into my shoulder. " I'm sorry" she said, raising her head to look me in the eyes. "Don't apologize" I prelude, rubbing my fingers on her cheek. "You needed me. And you're my number one priority"

After she had calmed down we continued to cuddle on the couch. "Do you know what triggered it?" I asked, kissing her hair as she lay against my chest. "I don't know" she replied, sighing "I think it's just a mixture everything. I just get so overwhelmed". I wiped a single tear from her cheek and kissed her hand. "I know baby, I know". Moments she fell asleep in my embrace, and I just left her there. She had been sleeping so poorly lately, and she seems to sleep better when she is bundled up in my arms.


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