scarlett-rose : part two

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part two of the previous update :)

Lili POV

three days later

I sat quietly in our usual spot of the coffee shop, slowly sipping on my mocha as I watched the door. My eyes flickered over to the counter to see Gabby smiling at me, before looking back to the door and nudging me to look with him. In stepped the man I was waiting for, wearing his puffed jacket and scarf now covered in snowflakes. He gazed around the coffee shop, looking for someone, before his shallow green eyes met mine and lit up as he walked in my direction. "Hey Lili" He said, pulling off his jacket, placing it on the back of the chair before sitting down. "Hi, How are you?" I answered as I took another sip of my coffee, nudging the second one towards him. "I'm very well thank you" He said, thanking me for the coffee I ordered, his favorite as I remembered. And just like that we set into conversation. Conversations that didn't make me nervous. We sat there together like old times, sipping our hot drinks and chattering on about work, our lives, and our past memories, some that i missed dearly. But before I knew it, the conversation drifted back to the elephant in the room. "So" cole muttered, swallowing his mouthful. "Is scarlett with her dad?". I swallowed myself and took a breath. "Shes with my mom, shes visiting us for christmas" I replied, nodding as he smiled and nodded along. It wasn't long before he opened his mouth again. "Are you two still together?" he asked gingerly, moving a piece of hair from across his forehead to behind his ear. 

"Cole" I said, rubbing my hands together. "there's something I need to tell you". His eyes furrowed in interest as he nodded his head, a signal for me to continue my statement. "Do you remember the last time we saw each other? here in vancouver?" "yes, just after riverdale wrapped?" he uttered. I nodded as I proceeded. "a few weeks after we parted ways, i was late. so i took a test". I could see the realization come to his eyes as he sat up in his chair. "cole" I started, i could see the uncertainty in his eyes. "she's yours. scarlett is your daughter".

"sh- she's mine?" he stuttered. I just nodded, I didn't know what to say. He sat there for a while, breathing heavily and rubbing his hands together. I don't blame him. It was alot of information to take in at one time. "does she know?" he asked, finally rising his eyes to meet mine. "she doesn't. do you want her to know?" i questioned. He reached out his cold hands to grab mine from across the table. "can I be apart of her life? your life?". I smiled, and nodded. It wasn't like I wasn't still in love with him or anything. He smiled at me, his green longing eyes looking into mine. he rubbed his thumb across the back of my hand. "scarlett-rose reinhart" he muttered to himself. "who would've thought we could make such a perfect girl huh" i replied. "I would" he mumbled smiling, sitting back down into his chair. 

I spent the next hour showing him all the existing pictures of scarlett, right from when she was born. I told him about how she loved to play in the snow, and how she wanted to be an actress when she grew up 'just like her mama'. I told him about the many times she had asked about her dad and I said that she would meet him someday. Sure enough, that someday was now. 


didn't really do part two any justice sorry guys - i might try to re-do it another time but rn im just way too tired haha. School is so stressful! Random Q : where are you from? wanna get to know you guys! again really sorry about the quality of this. I will repay you sometime :).

also arent bees just like the cutest things oml 🐝

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