your time will come

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"She is just the cutest" Lili exclaimed, cradling Camilas puppy truffle in her arms as Cami watched, taking pictures of the pair with her phone. Thank you so much for taking her" Cami said, placing a small dog bed on the floor of Lili and Coles apartment. Camila was off to LA for the night to attend some meetings and lili had immediately accepted her request for her to watch Truffle. "Thank you for letting me have her!" Lili replied, giggling as truffle licked her face in obvious appreciation. Lili loved dogs, and ever since she moved to LA for riverdale, she had wanted her own but had just been too busy. So when Lili found out that both Madelaine and Camila had adopted rescue puppies from a shelter, she demanded that they call on her whenever they were in need of a puppy sitter.

"Her leash and food is in the bag, along with a few of her favorite toys" cami instructed, handing Lili a duffel bag and picking up truffle from the ground to give her one last hug. "I'm going to miss you trouble" she laughed, scratching her back. "But I know you are in the best possible hands" she continued, looking up to lili and smiling gratefully. "I'll text you later" lili said, pulling cami in for a hug before sending her off to her awaiting cab, closing the door behind her.

"Alright missy" lili said, picking up truffle from the floor along with the duffel bag, and walking over to sit on the couch. she sat truffle on her knee and opened the bag to reveal a few rope toys and a stuffed animal (that cami instructed she must ALWAYS sleep with). They spent the rest of the afternoon paying tug-of-war with the rope toys, and napping on the couch other whilst waiting for cole to get home.

"Lils I'm home" Cole said, stepping into the apartment and closing is the door behind him. He turned to see lili fast asleep on the couch, with truffle cradled up in her arms. He placed his bags down and walked towards the pair, being especially careful to be quiet. He knelt down next to them on the couch, reaching his hand to stoke lili's cheek and pat truffles head. Lili stirred, opening her eyes to see that truffle was still cuddled up in her arms. "Oh hi" she whispered softly, reaching her hand up to ruffle coles hair. "How was your day?" "Lonely" he exclaimed, proceeding to fold his legs and sit on the floor beside the couch. "I missed you". Lili smiled and stroked the stubble on his chin, pulling him in for a kiss. They parted and Cole turned to look a little truffle, who had flipped herself upside down and was now lying on her back with her little feet in the air. "Well you've made yourself at home haven't you?" He snickered, rubbing truffles belly, causing her back leg to move.  "She has indeed" lili added, looking at cole, as if hinting. "One day we will lili, I promise" he said, pulling her close to kiss her delicately on the forehead.

Later that evening, after the pair had eaten dinner (and truffle had devoured a bowl of dog biscuits),  they settled down in bed, the little puppy sleeping between them. "She looks so peaceful" lili said, lying on her side, facing Cole and gently petting an asleep truffle. Cole nodded in agreement and looked at the blonde. He couldn't stop thinking about how caring lili was for such a small thing, and how it seemed to make him love her even more, if that was possible.

Lili awoke the next morning to cole leaning on his elbows towards her, looking at her and smiling. She looked down herself to see truffle cuddled up against her neck and smiled. She grabbed out her phone and quickly took some photos, sending one to cami and posting a few on her Instagram story. She placed her phone back down on her bedside table and turned to face cole, with literal puppy eyes. "I want one" she said, looking down at her. Cole smiled and twisted a piece of lili's blonde hair between his fingers. "Your time will come princess" he muttered, as the pair continued to watch the sleeping puppy in awe.

After almost a full free day of work spent cuddling and playing peek a boo with truffle, lili received a text from cami informing her that she was on her way to the couples apartment to pick her up. "I don't want her to go" lili exclaimed, chasing truffle around the apartment playfully. Cole hummed in agreement, but seemed to be too busy texting someone on his phone to pay attention to them. There was a sudden knock on the door, signaling to the couple that Cami had arrived, and truffle let out a small bark. Lili opened the door whilst holding truffle to see cami standing there, cradling a little puppy, very similar to truffle, in her hands. "Wha-" lili started in shock, but was interrupted by cami. "Truffle! Here lil, we better swap" she said gesturing to lili to exchange the puppies. "Whose this?" Lili asked, holding the small white puppy, as she looked up to her. "This is Alaska" she replied, whilst being licked all over by truffle, who was obviously happy to see cami return. "And what's she doing here?" Lili pondered, as the little puppy panted, sticking out her tongue. "She's yours of course" cami said, casually, as if she wasn't just telling lili that one of her dreams had come true. Lili gasped, and looked over to cole in the doorway, who was stood with a warm smile on his face. She looked back to the puppy. Their puppy. "Cami! How!" She said tearfully, as she cradled Alaska, Cole reaching over lili's shoulder to let her sniff his hand. "It was all Cole lili. It just so happened that I was able to pick up little Alaska on the way back from the airport" she giggled. Lili turned to face cole, a tear rolling down her cheek. He just stood there, admiring the lili and their new puppy. Lili handed Alaska to be held in camis free hand and ran to him, him engulfing her in a warm hug. "Thank you" lili cried into coles shoulder "so much". Cole rubbed her back. "You deserve it bub" he said, "and I love you so much"


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been updating, I've been pretty busy. On the other hand, thanks sooo much for almost 100 votes!

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