shes mine

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~ 10 days earlier ~

"wait" lili said, flipping forward and back a few pages in her script, obviously confused. "what is it bub?" Cole asked, starting to read through his own whilst nibbling on a pack of almonds.  The pair had just received their scripts for season four episode 15, "to die for", and they were reading over them together in coles trailer. She stopped flipping through the pages and her eyes rested in the middle of the page, narrowed. "I have to kiss kj?" she asked, puzzled. "wait what?" cole blurted out, leaning over her shoulder to read her copy of the script. They both read in silence, coming to terms with where the writers were coming from. "so betty kisses archie so it's more believable that i've died? interesting" cole admits, leaning back onto the couch and proceeding to read over his lines. lili looked back over her shoulder to him and sighed. "whats up?" he said, leaning up again and placing his arm on her back. "not trying to be rude, but i don't really want to kiss kj" she giggled, but nervously. "and why is that?" cole smirked, rubbing her shoulder. "because i love you silly" she said, pulling him in for a quick kiss. "its your job lil" he said, wiping her lip gloss from his lips. " you can kiss kj as a work agreement and still love me". "i know that" she said, lying down on the couch, her head in coles lap. "doesn't mean i want to though". Cole sighed and moved her blonde hair from her forehead, placing a kiss in its place. lili tended to get anxious when her job involved intimacy with someone who wasn't her significant other, namely cole. When she was required to kiss kj in 2x09, she went into a full blown panic attack before filming, requiring coles assistance to calm her down and regulate her breathing to a normal speed. So it wasn't a surprise to cole that lili was experiencing anxiety about the upcoming scene. "hey" cole said, causing lili to open her eyes and look into his. "you're going to be fine" he reassured "and i'll be there the entire time" he proceeded to say, staring into his loves anxious eyes. 

~ present day ~

"morning team" cole said, announcing his and lilis arrival to the makeup trailer. "hey guys" kj greeted "how are we this morning". cole looked at lili, who was biting her lip anxiously, and then back to kj. " we're alright. aren't we lil?" he said, letting go of her clammy hand to rub her shoulders. she nodded silently as cole lead her to a makeup chair, leaning down to whisper into her ear. "i'll let you get started love, alright?". lili looked at him and smiled, appreciating that he was there to comfort her. Cole kissed lili delicately on the cheeked and headed down to the other side of the trailer, where kj was seated. " hey man " kj said, rubbing gel between his hands and then into his bright orange hair. "hey" cole answered, grabbing a chair and turning it backwards, sitting on it. "whats up?" kj asked, his eyebrows furrowed. cole sighed a little. "I just wanted to let you know, lilis really anxious about, you know, the kiss". kj opened his mouth, as if realising why lili hadn't been acting her usual joyful self. "I know you can't really change anything, but i was just letting you know" cole said quietly. "i got it man" kj answered. "and you know" cole continued, reaching to kjs bench to steal his toast. "don't try to steal her from me". kj smirked, gathering more gel on his hands. "im serious!" cole laughed, slapping kj friendly on the arm. "she's mine". "believe me, i'd be too scared to try" kj admitted, as cole rose form the chair and strolled back down the trailer to lili, who was getting her hair done. 

"alrighty, lili and kj, set B please, five minutes" the crew member announced, poking his head into the trailer. lilis eyes widened as stood up, turning to cole. "okay" cole said, grabbing her hand in his, rubbing small circles on it with his thumb. "we are going to head over to the set now alright? one step at a time". They both pottered out of the trailer and over to set B, lili clinging onto coles hand. They arrived at the set, a riverdale high classroom, and moved themselves over to the directors and cast chairs. cole let go of lilis hand, pulling her into a hug as she sank into him. "i love you" he said, kissing her on the head as she trembled. "you'll be in and out in a few minutes, and ill be right here waiting for you". lili pulled out of the hug, looking towards the set where kj was awaited. "okay, i can do this" "you can so do this" cole agreed, kissing her quickly on the lips before she headed over to kj. Cole watched her perform the scene perfectly, and the kiss perfectly, as he knew she would, and it was over within a few takes. After roberto called the final cut, lili rushed over to cole as he pulled her into a hug. "im so proud of you" he said, swinging her around. lili pushed her lips onto his and they were engulfed into a passionate kiss. "lets do that more often" cole laughed, as lili joined him. "I had to get kj off my lips" she smirked. "hey! words can hurt" kj laughed behind them. 

Hey guys! i hoooppee you're all well with this whole global pandemic thats going on, it really sucks in alot of ways. I was supposed to go to canada or something in april (a super far away holiday) but now are unable to, but thats fine. at least im healthy, and I hope you are too. and wow, thank you sm for almost 8k reads!

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