loved one

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A/N - Lili and Cole are not dating (yet...) in this chapter :)

Cole POV

I burst out sobbing and slid down the bare wall of my apartment to the floor. I was on the phone to my mom and she just told me that my grandmother had passed away. I was so incredibly close to my grandmother, we used to tell everything to each other. And I didn't even get to say goodbye. I lay crying on the cold apartment floor until I got a notification on my phone. It was a reminder, telling me that I was due to be on set in twenty-five minutes. Going to set and having to hold my emotions in was the last thing I wanted to do right now. I quickly gathered my keys and bag and hopped in the car. I couldn't stop thinking about my grandmother all the way to set, and I was too distraught to even turn the radio on.

"Morning Cole" Casey said as I walked into the hair and makeup trailer. She was sitting in a chair getting her hair curled, too busy to look and me and my slightly tear-stained face. "Morning" I muttered, placing my bag down on the floor beside my chair and greeting the hair and makeup staff. "Are you okay mate?" KJ asked, pointing his head to look at me from the other side of the trailer. "I'm okay" I replied. He snickered turned back to reading something off his phone. "What scenes are you shooting today Cole?" Casey asked, walking over to me with a small bag of peanuts. "A couple with Lili and one with KJ.. how about you?" I asked, trying to seem normal. "You know the drill. I'm with the farm crew all day every day now" he laughed, heading out of the trailer. "What scene are you shooting with Lil?" KJ asked. "Just a bughead kiss scene" I replied, pulling my shirt off to put on Jughead classic 'S' shirt. "Just?" He replied, snickering.

"Hey Cole" Lili said, walking through the doors to set C where we were shooting our scene. "Morning" I replied, smiling dimly, placing my jacket and phone down on my cast chair. "Are you okay?" She asked, proceeding to place her hand on my shoulder and rub it. "You seem off". "I'm okay" I said, smiling at her. The truth was that I'm not, but I couldn't let her know that. "Okay, Lili, Cole, places please" a crew member directed. We took our places on the set and filmed the scene. It was a great scene, and a great kiss. As always. It seemed to take my mind off the whole situation, but only for a second.

As soon as Roberto yelled cut, I could feel the emotions rise back up and I felt like I was going to crack. I quickly grabbed my jacket from the cast chair and walked to my trailer. I quickly opened and closed the door and walked over to the bed. I put down my jacket and lay down on it, tears rolling down my cheek and into the pillow. This was the only place I could let my emotions free where no one would see them. I just missed her so much. I was intruppted by the sound of my trailer door opening.. then closing. "Cole?" Lili called out. I quickly wiped the tears away from my eyes and walking back into the main area of the trailer. "Hey Lil" I said, smiling weakly. "You left your phone on set so I came to drop it off" she said, putting it down on the couch. "Thank you" I replied. She looked me right in the eyes, and I was sure that she had noticed my tear soaked face. She walked towards me and held my hands in hers. "You look like you need someone to talk to" she said, gripping my hands. I took a big sigh, and suddenly it was all too much to hold in anymore. A single tear escaped my eye and rolled down my cheek. Lili saw it and immediately pulled me into her embrace. I sobbed quietly into her shoulder, my hands rested on her back and hers rested around my neck. "Shh" she whispered, trying to calm me down. And for some reason it was working. After staying in that cuddled position for a while, I pulled away and lead her to sit on the couch. "Do you want to talk" she asked, stroking my arm. I nodded, and took a big breath. "My mum called this morning." I said, and continued to tell her about the horrible news I had received. "Oh Cole" lili said, pulling me into a hug. "I lost my grandmother too, not that long ago" she said "so I know exactly how you feel". "How did you cope?" I asked, wiping a tear away from my face. "I surrounded myself with family and loved ones so I wasn't alone" she responded, rubbing circles on my hand with her soft fingers. I had no family here, or loved ones for that matter. "I know your family aren't from here. So if you want" she said, pulling herself closer to me "I'll be you're loved one". I looked her in her eyes. Her beautiful green eyes. She gave me a warm smile and pulled in closer kissing me tenderly on the lips. Suddenly it all felt okay. Some of the sorrow and grief was gone. All because of her. Lili Reinhart. My loved one.

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