i love you

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This takes place when Lili and Cole have been dating for about two to three months, and season one of riverdale is in the process of being filmed.

Cole POV

"You choose" Lili said, placing a bowl of warm popcorn on the coffee table and sitting between my legs on the couch, leaning up against my chest. We had both had a long and draining day at set and were ready to be cuddled up on the couch watching Netflix. "What are you in the mood to watch?" I asked her, grabbing the remote in my hand and pulling lili closer to me with the other. "Hmmm" she thought, stroking my hand that was wrapped around her. "Something romantic" she decided, with a snicker. She likes to make fun of the hopeless romantic side of me. "Only for you Lil" I replied, flicking through the romance movies until deciding on love actually, both a romance and Christmas movie, which I knew were her favorite. She smiled and left a gentle kiss on my hand before reaching out to grab the popcorn bowl and rest it on her lap. 

We stayed in that cuddled position throughout the whole movie, even when Lili fell asleep close to the end of the film. When the film finished I just lay there, stroking her hair and leaving delicate kisses on her face. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, and boy. I was falling for her, hard. I looked at her perfect face, and beautiful skin, and couldn't help but smile. After a while I decided to wake the sleeping beauty, as the crumpled position would hurt her neck, and she needed to go to bed anyway. "Lili, love" I whispered in her ear, causing her to flutter her eyes and stretch out on the couch. She looked at me with her beautiful green eyes, giving me that 'huh?' expression. "You'll hurt your neck if you sleep like that" I responded, as lili's tired eyes closed and she rubbed the back of her neck. I gave her a warm smile. "Let's get you to bed" I said, rising up of the couch, picking up lili in the process, her legs wrapping around my waist and her head leaning on my shoulder.

I carried her to her room, where I helped her to change into her pajamas and climb under the duvet on her bed. She fell asleep almost instantly, or so I thought. As I turned to leave to head back to my apartment, I heard a small mutter. "Stay with me?" She asked, in the sweetest voice I had ever heard. I turned to face her, taking my jacket off. "Of course love" I responded, pulling off my shirt and jumping into bed beside her, cuddling her happily into my arms. I stroked her arm and kissed her temple. "I love you" she whispered. This was the first time she had said this, and I'm sure she didn't mean to say it as I felt her tense up in my arms. "I love you too" I replied, kissing her gently on the lips and telling her relax a little. "So much". "Really?" She asked, looking at me with her beautiful eyes. "Really" I responded, as she crawled back into my arms, and I cradled her, both of us falling asleep almost immediately, full of love.

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