we'll be okay

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"so do you think you'll be able to get here?" lili asked eagerly. She was on the phone to cole. He was stuck in LA whilst lili was in Vancouver, trying to get back to their apartment before the country went into lock down as a result of the dreaded corona-virus. "i really hope so lil" he replied, leaning up against a wall in the airport. "but as the last three flights i've tried to catch have been cancelled, i wouldn't be surprised if they cancel this one". Lili sighed. "I don't think i could last without you for five weeks, i need your hugs" she admitted, pouting. "i know love. I still have nine hours to get back before they cut off flights so i will try my very best" he replied, trying to comfort her. "I know you will" she said, smiling. "i have to head back to set now, text me if you get the flight?" "of course i will bub, you'll be the first one" he laughed. "i love you" lili said, jumping up from her chair and walking towards her trailer door. "i love you more" cole said, before hanging up the phone. 

After lili had finished her scenes, she rushed back to her trailer to get an update from cole. She opened her trailer door, instantly reaching for her phone and heading to sit on the couch. She unlocked her phone to see that she had received a photo from col. It was a photo of him sitting on the plane, with the caption "LA bound baby". Lilis heart warmed at the sight and the realization that she would be able to be in lock down with him instead of apart.  She quickly flicked over to the flight radar app, seeing that his flight was due to land in around an hour. Grabbing her jacket and bag, lili said goodbye to all her cast-mates and headed out to the car, starting to drive in the direction of the airport. 

Arriving at the airport and waiting in the terminal was different then usual. The majority of the people crowded in the airport were wearing face masks covering their mouths and some of them even had gloves. It was scary how this global pandemic was affecting everyone day to day lives. Her thoughts were interrupted when she saw cole emerging from the arrival gate. "hey bub" he said, pulling lili in for a hug, even though they were frowned upon at this time. "i missed you" she said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. it had only been a week but its amazing how much you can miss your partner after not seeing them everyday. "i missed you too love" he replied, returning the kiss. "now lets head out to the car, i don't want you getting sick" he clutched her hand and the pair walked out of the crowded terminal to the car in the pick up bay. " i can't believe that this is happening" lili said as the pair climbed into the car, cole in the drivers seat. "you always see it in the movies but you never imagine it to actually happen to you" "i know love" cole said, taking his hand off the gear stick and placing it on her knee. "on the other hand" he continued. "we have a whole five weeks stuck inside together". lili smiled, she loved his company. "i'd be lying if i said i wasn't looking forward to it" she laughed. and he joined her.

"my family is all okay, have you called yours?" cole asked lili, after the pair had eaten dinner and had been lounging around on the couch for a few hours. "yup, they're all right i think, just anxious. It runs in the family". Cole smiled and pulled lili onto his lap. He could feel how anxious she was about the forever evolving situation. "we are going to be alright" he reassured her, rocking her back and forth. "and im going to do everything I can to make sure you know that and feel that way". lili smiled and sank into him. He was her safe place. "now" cole started, lifting lili up to face him. "how about we play just dance?". She giggled, he knew it was her favorite. Dancing let out such good endorphins. "is that even a question?".

The two had been playing just dance for a few hours, dancing along to all their favorite hits. Lili had been winning for most of the round, but after a few minutes of cole recieveing all the 'perfect' moves, he came first, ending the round laughing. Lili on the other hand, was annoyed. " I hate you!" she laughed, crossing her arms and pouting. Cole just continued laughing, obviosul enjoying his win, trying to pull lili in for a hug. "don't even try! im mad at you" she yelled. "stop yelling its three am" cole laughed, uncontrollably, which caused lili to join him. She couldn't help it. The pair collapsed onto the couch into each other arms, the laughter calming down. Cole sighed. "you know we'll be okay right?" cole asked lili, stoking her hair. "yes" she replied smiling "ill be okay as long as im with you". 

Hey guys. Just a note, this story is totally made up and i know that lili was with mads for a bit of last week. On another note I really hope you are all okay and healthy in regards to this global situation. I'm lucky enough that my country has taken such preventative measures to keep us all safe, our country is in lock down for four weeks. How are things going in your country? let me know in the comments. I also hope to be writing more as i have time off school, so leave some suggestions below and ill try to do most. Thank you and stay safe!

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