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Cole POV

My hands became clammier by the second as I stood in our apartment, red rose petals scattered around me and a small bouquet of yellow ones in my hands. It was Lili and I's four year anniversary. Four years of having the honor of being the boyfriend of such a beautiful girl. We celebrated the occasion this morning, with lots of cuddles and pancakes, but were unable to celebrate our love much during the day. She had a full day at set, whereas I was able to sneak away early to set up the house with flowers, lots of our favorite snacks, and a nice position on the couch for us to huddle up and watch a movie. All of Lilis favorites.

I fidgeted as I waited for her, time ticking as minutes went by, me thinking that she wasn't going to show. My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a key in the lock of the door; which was unmistakably my loves. She opened the door, backing into the apartment with a few shopping bags on her arms. "I'm home love" she yelled, still having not turned around to see me standing in the lounge right behind her. She eventually turned, the tired look on her face turning into a warm smile as she saw me. Her eyes started to tear up, as did mine, as she placed the shopping bags on the floor and walked over to me.

"Happy four year anniversary my love" I said, gifting her the bouquet of flowers and kissing her gently on her lips. She sighed with a smile and looked me in the eyes. Her big beautiful green eyes. "You did all of this for me?" She asked, glancing around the apartment, taking notice of the pile of snacks I had displayed on the couch. "Of course! I said, grabbing her waist and pulling her in for a hug. "You deserve it. And so much more". We stood there hugging for what seemed like hours before we pulled apart. "I love you" lili said, rubbing circles on my hands that were in hers. "I love you too" I replied "so much".

"You know what" she said, smiling cheekily. "What bub?" I responded intrigued with what she thought. She dropped my hands from hers and walked over to the shopping bags that she had dropped when she came in. She reached her hand in to pull out a handful of all of our favorite snacks, along with a few movies she had rented from the film store. I laughed, and she joined me. "Great minds think alike, huh?" I said, walking over to her, becoming her to bring the bags over to the couch where we could eat the snacks and watch a film. We spent the rest of the night cuddling on the couch and eating snacks, watching our favorite movies, just being with each other. It was all each of us would ever need.


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