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Lili POV

I was awoken from my nap by Jake, a crew member, who shook me awake. "Lili" he said, sitting down on the couch in my trailer next to me, as I had stretched out on it to take a much needed nap. "You have a scene in five minutes". I sat up to meet his eyes, my hand reaching to my chest as I coughed heavily. I breathed deeply, rubbing my forehead in the effort to ease the major headache that I had. "Okay" I said, my voice raspy and the words hurting my throat. I was sick, and I mean super sick. I had a terrible wheezy cough, with air barley passing through my lungs. "On a second note" Jake added with an unsure look on his face, reaching to the small coffee table to pass me a few tissues. "You're sick Lil. You really shouldn't be filming". He was right. But u couldn't let a simple cold delay the filming of yet another episode. "I'm okay" I lied, taking the tissues and standing up, a wave of dizziness coming over me and eventually passing. I grabbed my coat from the hanger, and opened the door of my trailer to exit, Jake following behind me. "You're not, but I can't stop you" he said, helping me down the few small stairs to the trailer. That was how weak I was.

"Hey guys" I croaked as I entered the set stage, where I was met by Camila and Roberto. I coughed into the corner of my arm before returning to face them. "Lil" Cami said, walking towards me, placing her hand on my forehead. "Cole texted me. Said you were super sick but persistent to film and told me to keep an eye on you" she giggled. "You really should be at home. You have a fever". She proceeded to rub my flushed cheek and collect my jacket from me, placing it on my cast chair. "I'll be okay" I said, lying again. I needed to get a few scenes done today. Surely telling myself I felt fine would make me feel fine, right? Wrong. Roberto approached us, looking alarmed at how blushed my cheeks were. "Lili you're sick" he said, pushing his glasses up his nose. "Correct" I said, coughing. "But I'm still here". He looked unsure. "Well we will film the scene, but the moment you get worse I'm calling cole" he threatened. He knows that I hate cole worrying over me. This morning was enough. He catered on me hand and foot all night, bringing me medicine and running a hot bath for me. This morning he tried so hard to get me to stay home, even threatening to call my mom to talk some sense into me. I love how that boy cares for me so much, but I don't want to worry him, especially with the many important scenes he was scheduled to film today. I quickly swallowed a few ibuprofen pills, as crew members wiped my sweaty forehead, before I took my place on the stage set.

"Cut" Roberto yelled, for the sixth time. The filming had been interrupted by yet another terrible coughing fit. It was like they came out of no where and hit me like a truck, forcing me to stop for at least three minutes after to catch my breath and regulate my breathing. "Lili" he said, taking my hand and leading me to my cast chair. "I want you to go home. Or to the doctor". He rubbed my back, slightly relieving my nausea. I tried to argue, but I was so out of breathe, that I just agreed. I felt terrible. "I'll call Cole, ask him to meet you at your trailer" he said, grabbing our his phone from his pocket.

I entered the door to my trailer, placing my belongings on the desk and leaning again the nearest wall, it supporting me as I sunk to the ground. I sat on the floor, my pounding head resting against the wall, slowly falling asleep. "Lili? Love?" I heard, my trailer door opening to reveal a slightly flustered Cole. I swallowed, my dry throat sticking together as I tried to mumble a few words. "Hi" I croaked, snickering a little and smiling, It was hard to tell him that he was right. I was super sick. "Bub" he said, putting his bag on the floor and crouching down beside me. He placed his hand on my cheek, rubbing it. "Imagine my panic when Roberto calls me to come get you" he laughed sadly. He placed the back of his hand on my forehead, alarmed by its temperature. "We've got to take you to the doctor love" he said, grabbing out his phone to call the local GP.

"Can you stand up?" Cole asked, offering his hand. I coughed, nodding. I reached for his hand, pulling me to a stand,  almost toppling over in the process. "Bub" Cole pouted, seeing how weak I was. I managed a small smile before being interrupted by a wave of sudden nausea. I make a bolt for the nearest rubbish bun, throwing up last nights dinner, I hadn't eaten any breakfast. Cole rushed to my side, holding my hair back and rubbing circles on my back with the palm of his hand. I sat back from the bin, wiping my mouth before falling into the hold of Cole. He picked me up by the waist, my arms wrapping around his torso with my chest against his. I fought his hold. "No" I muttered. "What's wrong love?" He panicked, as I looked him in the eye. "I can't get you sick". I couldn't bare it if he, my beautiful boyfriend, had to go through similar torture. "Bub that's the least of my worries right now" he said, pulling me close to him, caressing my cheek. "I'm worrying about you".

part two??

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