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Lili POV

"here you go miss scarlett" the barista chuckled as he leaned over the countertop, placing the small hot chocolate in her incredibly small hands. I mouthed a small 'thank you' to him, before turning to face my daughter. "what do you say scarlett?" I asked as I gave her a gentle nudge. She finished taking a sip of her drink, emerging from behind the cup with a milky moustache plastered over her top lip. "thank you gabby" she mumbled, smiling greatly. Although she was almost five, she still couldn't pronounce our familiar baristas name, gabriel. "you are so welcome" he said, turning to wave goodbye to me and we headed towards the door of the shop. It was a cold and snowy winters day in Vancouver, but many were out doing their annual Christmas shopping, that I had yet to do yet. I adjusted scarlett's beanie over her blonde hair before clasping her small hand in mine and starting the walk back to our apartment complex. After riverdale had it's final season, I decided to stay in Vancouver as I had made lots of friends here, and eventually it was where scarlett was born. "where are we going now?" she mumbled, starting to skip in the snow. "well" I started, turning to her and crouching down to her level. "we are going to head back home, hop in the car, and we are going to go pick up grandma amy from the airport". I saw her green eyes immediatly light up with excitement. My mom was coming to spend christmas with us this year, and needless to say that she was excited. "we better get going then mama" she said, as she pulled my hand in the direction of our street. "slow down scar!" I giggled, as I watched her race ahead, leaving her small footprints in the snow. she turned back to see me, and ploughed straight into someone. "Sorry sir, shes a little clumsy" I said as i rushed to pick her up from the ground, sweeping the snow off her back and behind. I looked up to see the person that she had mistakenly ran into. "Lili?" he asked, surprisingly, taking his beanie off. "Cole". I replied, looking into his eyes, remembering the last time that I saw him.

Five years earlier

Two lines. Two vivid lines. I tear ran down my cheek as I sat in my bathroom, holding the test in my hand. I was pregnant. And there was only one person whose baby it could be. Three weeks ago, after filming one of the final episodes of our series, Riverdale, we were celebrating in a bar, all of the cast. After the majority of the cast went home, I ended up going home, drunk, with a cast mate. And not just any cast mate, Cole Sprouse. Safe to say it didn't end well. We hung out together for a few days after, but he apologetically had to go to LA for a photo shoot and we haven't talked since. And now, im sitting on my bathroom floor, holding a positive test in my hands. I can't tell him. He is just starting out in his photography career post-riverdale and I don't want him, or the baby for this matter, to hold him back. I have money, and a loving family who will support me. "we are going to be okay" i whispered, rubbing my lower stomach with my hand.

Present day

"Um" he continued, looking down to the small child I had holding my hand. "how have you been?" he asked, ruffling his hand through his hair. "I've been good" I replied. smiling. Anything to make the situation a little less awkward. I don't think i'm ready for scar to meet her dad yet. Scar pulled on my jacket. "who is he mama?" she asked, politely. "well honey" i started. "This is Cole, mama used to work with him". She nodded and looked at him. He smiled back at her, looking a little uneasy. "So you're a mom now?" He said. "Yes" I replied, nervously. "This is Scarlett-Rose". He smiled and crouched down to her level. "Nice to meet you Scarlett-Rose" he said, shaking her hand. "my friends call me scar" she replied, making cole smile. "how old is she?" he asked, standing back up. I breathed in nervously. "Shes four, turning five in about three months". He smiled. "So I assume you're happy?" He smiled. I could only reply with 'very', which was true. Even though I was a single mom, I was loving it. "Well I have to run, but i'd love to catch up for a coffee sometime?" he suggested. "Definitely" I replied, giving him a warm smile. "Ill text you" he said as he walked away, waving at scarlett. I breathed out, relieved. " he was nice mama " she mumbled, skipping along again. I looked down and smiled at her, agreeingly. "can I come to coffee with him and you?". "we'll see scar" I replied, though I was reluctant. I was going to have to tell Cole about Scarlett. And that time was going to be now.


Thanks to @helenland for the suggestion!

Part two coming in the coming days.

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