happy valentines day

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Cole POV

I lay on my side in our bed, twirling a piece of lilis golden hair in my hand and watching her chest rise and lower, rise and lower. She was so beautiful, i just lay there wondering aimlessly how I got so darn lucky. Suddenly the repeated pattern of her breathing changed, as she sighed and rolled over, opening her olive colored eyes. She smiled at me, stretching out her arms to wrap them around me. "how long have you been awake?" she asked, nuzzling her head into the crook of my neck. "not long" I replied, ruffling my hand through her hair, massaging her scalp. "mmm" she murmured. "you smell good". I snickered, pulling her closer to me, placing a kiss on the back of her head. "happy valentines day my love" I whispered. 

She pulled her head out of my hold and looked at me with puzzled eyes, her eyebrows lowered. "valentines day isn't until tomorrow silly" she giggled, placing a hand on my cheek and proceeding to stroke it. "i know" I snickered as she lay back down on the bed facing me. "but since I have to head off to LA late tonight, we're going to spend today celebrating us. you". Her eyes drooped and she smiled, one of those smiles that aren't sad, but aren't completely happy. "i wish you didn't have to go" she pouted "but i like the sound of celebrating you a day early". She lent in for a kiss before pulling back. "I have a meeting at four". "that's alright, we can plan around it" i reassured her. "i love you" "I love you more" i replied, rubbing her shoulder. I then suddenly leaped out of bed. "we better get the day started then" i snickered, grabbing my shorts from the floor next to the bed. "come backkk" lili pleaded, pulling the covers up over her face. "there will be plenty of time for that later sweet. I'm off to make pancakes" I announced, leaving lili to fall back asleep for a few minutes.

An hour later, after a lot of pancakes and i love yous, we were dressed ready to seize the day. "right" i said, buckling my seat belt and placing my phone in the glove box in front of lili. "first thing" i reached into the back seat of the car and pulled forward a bouquet of yellow and orange roses. "for you" I blushed, handing them to her. She awed and took them up to her nose to smell the scent. "thank you bub" she said, reaching for her own seat belt whilst holding the flowers in her lap. I pushed the key into the ignition and started the car, pulling out of the parking building. "where are we going?" lili asked, continuing to smell the flowers. "you'll see" i snickered as I saw her face turn to annoyment.  

After ten minutes of steady driving with one hand on the steering wheel and one on lilis thigh, we arrived at the botanical gardens. "i want to take some photos of you" i revealed, as I collected my camera equipment from the boot of the car. "if that's okay with you of course?" "of course its fine by me" she said, rising up on her toes to kiss me on the cheek. We started to walk hand in hand towards the gardens, whispering compliments in each others ear every few steps.  I stopped as lili continued walking, taking numerous pictures of her as she walked, her green dress swaying. "god you're beautiful" i whispered as i looked at the photos. "awe stawp" she laughed, hitting me. "you can't blame me" i shrugged, pulling my eye back to the camera to take a few more shots. We spent a few hours playing around with different landscapes before I had to drop lili off for her meeting. Whilst she was in the meeting I pottered around the city, looking in numerous shops for the perfect gift.

I was shopping in pascoes when i received a call from lili. "hey love" i answered, pushing the phone against my ear with the help of my broad shoulder. "hey" she replied. "im done" "how was the meeting?" i asked, as i left the store with a gift bag and headed towards the car. "terrible. i want to stab everyone" she joked. "don't get blood on your dress" i instructed "we have dinner reservations in an hour". i could hear a faint giggle through the line. "i love you for enabling me" she laughed. "i love you too. see you in ten" i replied, ending the call and starting the car, driving back towards lilis location. 

"were you interested in the deserts?" the waiter asks, as he took our plates. We had just eaten a meal of chicken cabonara. i looked at lili and she looked back, before we both turned to the waiter. "yes please" i replied, receiving the desert menu.  we quickly both chose our deserts, mud cake and lemon meringue pie, before continuing our conversation. "so" lili continued, taking a sip of water. "im shooting tomorrow afternoon" "that's good" i nodded. " yeah it is, im getting to film with Vanessa and mads which is great, we haven't had a scene together in a while and we really need to catch up" "sounds like you'll be too busy to miss me" i suggested. "never" she smiled, taking my hand in hers. I leaned down to kiss it, as the water came and presented us with our deserts. which i must say, looked a-ma-zing.  We quickly devoured them, sharing a bite for a bite, before I checked the time on my wrist watch, realizing it was time we headed to the airport. 

We drove to the airport hand in hand, savoring the final moments of the day together. As i pulled in to the terminal, lili sighed. "hey" i said, placing a hand under her chin and lifting it. "its only a few days. i'll be home before you know it". she nodded, opening the car door and stepping out. I hopped out my own door, walking to the back of the car to collect my small suitcase. I stepped onto the curb, pulling lili into my arms. We stood there for a few minutes before i kissed her head and pulled away. "I love you" she said, as she held my hands. "i love you more" i replied 
"ill call you when i get through customs". "alright" she said, reaching up to kiss me before letting go of my hands. "fly safe" "I promise. happy valentines day my love" I said, blowing her a kiss and she stepped into the drivers seat of the car and i walked through the automatic doors to the terminal. 

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