lost you

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Lili POV

"I'm off Cole" I said, grabbing my keys and opening the front door of our ground floor apartment to let myself out. I was heading to a quick meeting, before meeting Cole for lunch a little later. "Okay bub" he replied from the couch, stuffing his cute face with chips. "See you later" I said, blowing him an air kiss as I left the apartment and headed to my car. I sat in the driver seat, fastening my seatbelt and repositioning my rear view mirrors. I looked back to the apartment to see Cole waving at me from the window with a warm smile, as he does every time. I returned the smile, started the car, and drove off.

The meeting I was attending was a bit out of town, about a half an hour drive. I usually hated driving without Cole as he was great company, but I had my phone connected to the car radio via Bluetooth so I was able to listen to my favorite Spotify playlist. I sang along to all the top artists, belting lyrics at the top of my lungs as I travelled the roads to the meeting.

About half way through my drive, I came up to an intersection controlled by a give way sign. I slowed, looking both ways whilst humming along to Woke Up Late by Drax Project, and proceeded to cross the intersection. I was crossing the square when I suddenly heard the screech of brakes and I turned to my left, seeing a car hurtling straight towards me, attempting to stop. I gasped, pushing on the accelerator, getting out of the cars path just in time, with the car hitting the back of mine, the motion pushing me into the staring wheel. Everything seemed to occur in slow motion.

My head rebounded and hit the headrest behind me as I heard said car screeching to a stop. I closed my eyes, reaching my hand up to rub my forehand, realizing that I was bleeding. I turned my head to see the occupants of the car jumping out and rushing over to mine. "I'm okay" I said, shaking as I climbed out of the car. It was a miracle that I hadn't been hurt more. The poor woman was distraught, she hadn't seen me crossing the intersection.

My car was undriveable, so the police were called and also to take a statement from the occupants of the other car and get insurance details. When the police arrived their attention was drawn to me, as I had a pretty bruised face and a cut on my forehead. "Are you okay miss?" The policeman asked, putting his hand on my shoulder and helping me down to sit on the curb. "I think I'm okay" I said, still shaking with shock. My head ached a bit from hitting the steering wheel and then the head rest. "Do you have someone you can call? Your car will have to be towed and I think you should go see your doctor to be checked just in case" he asked, typing something into his phone. "Yes" I answered, pulling out my phone as I watched the tow truck arrive.

I opened it and dialed Coles number, raising the phone to my ear. "Hey sweet" he answered "I though you were in the meeting?" "I just want you to know that I'm okay" I said, rubbing my eyes "Lili?" He asked, his tone more worried "what happened? Where are you?" "I got in a minor car accident" I replied "I think I'm okay but they say I should go get checked. Can you come and get me?" I could hear the jangle of keys and the door shutting as he replied "I'll be there in 5 minutes", and he hung up. I breathed a sigh of relief, closing my eyes and trying to ignore the throbbing of my head.

"Lili? Please wake up bub" I heard, realizing that I had fallen asleep on the curb whilst the police assessed my car. I opened my eyes to see my worried boyfriend, who had tear stained cheeks, pulling me in for a hug. I breathed in his scent and relaxed a little. I was safe. "I was so scared that I had lost you" he trembled, as I pulled him in for a kiss, tearing up myself. "I'm okay" I said. He examined the cut on my forehead and my bruised face and said "we should take you to get checked bub" standing up, and pulling me up in the process. "I need to make sure you're okay" he mumbled, "I need you to be okay". I could tell how scared he was, even though it was a minor crash and I was fine. I stopped him as he started to walk towards the car with my hand in his. I put my hands on his cheeks. "I'm okay love" I said to him, looking him in his green teary eyes. "I'm okay". I pulled him in for another hug. "You haven't lost me"


Hey guys, sorry I haven't been updating. This was a suggestion, and I'm sorry it's pretty shitty. But let me know if you want a part two nevertheless

I also just uploaded a new story - "Camera Shy". It would mean a lot to me if you guys could check it out.

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