you're okay

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Lili POV

As I reached the hotel room, I quickly pulled my suitcase inside, placing it by the bathroom before grabbing my phone and flopping down on the bed. I was in New York, having been asked to film a few product promotions and adverts over a few days. I opened up my phone and opened the Face Time app, going to the favorites tab and tapping the first name that appeared. It rang for a few seconds before his face popped up on the screen. "Hey love" he said, taking a sip of coffee and ruffling his eyebrows. "Hey" I replied, reaching my hand up to cover my mouth as I yawned. "You look so beautiful even when your functioning on three hours sleep" he chuckled, smiling. I couldn't help but smiling myself, he always knew how to cheer me up. "How was your day?" I asked, sitting up on the bed so as to get a better look at him. "It was good!" He said, enthusiastically. "I went out for a bite with KJ, and then met up with some school friends in town" "that sounds fun bub" i replied, placing my phone against the window so I could open my suitcase and see him at the same time. "It was. It's lonely now though, I'm not used to it being only me in the apartment. I miss your cute face" he smiled, sadly. "And I miss yours" I replied. We sat in silence for a moment, just looking at each other. "Anyway" Cole said, shaking his head and breaking the silence. "How was the flight, was your anxiety alright?" He asked, picking up a pair of chopsticks before dipping them into a box of Chinese food. "It was okay" I replied, throwing my pajamas from my suitcase to the bed. "I didn't sleep a wink though". "Still?" Cold asked, looking at me in the eyes, worriedly. I just nodded sadly. "You need to go see your therapist Lil, I'll come if you want" he said, comfortingly. "I would love that" I replied, my eyes drooping. "I can see how tired you are" he pointed out, in a 'matter of fact' sort of way. "get some sleep bub. And don't call me till you've had at least six hours". I looked at him, admiringly. I loved how he cared so much. "I love you, you know that?" I smiled, changing to my pajamas and pulling back the white hotel sheets. "And I love you so much more" he smiled, blowing me a kiss. "Ill call you when I wake up" I exclaimed, my eyes dropping more the longer they were rested on the pillow. "I'll be ready and waiting. Bye love" and with that he ended the call. I placed my phone on charge and rolled over to lie on my side, as I would at home. I turned the bedside light off, and the darkness engulfed me. I felt my body turning off, but every time I started to fall asleep I would be woken by a pit in my stomach. My anxiety caused me to overthink almost everything, which in the long term has caused my constant insomnia. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't fall asleep. I reached over to my phone, squinting my eyes at the brightness and entered the text messages app, texting Cole the three words that had been used so often that they could be auto corrected. ' I can't sleep '. I sent the message and placed my phone against my heart, waiting eagerly for him to respond. My phone chimed and his face popped up on the screen, waiting me for accept the face time. "Ill stay on the call until you fall asleep love" he said, sadly. "thank you" i responded, turning to lie the phone on its side, as if he was in the bed next to me. "I miss you" i said, rubbing my eyes as they adjusted to the brightness. "I miss you mo-" Cole started, but was interrupted by a frighting sound, a gunshot, from the bottom of the hotel that i was staying at. My heart started racing as I sat up in bed, suddenly wide awake. "lils" Cole said desperately, trying to get my attention. "I'm sure it was just a car backfire" he reassured, trying to get me to calm down. this was a perfect example of something that would set my anxiety off. badly. Tears threatened to fall from my eyes as i grabbed my phone, hopping out of bed and walking over to the window, with a view of the street from my second floor hotel room. The street was almost empty, other then a few people dressed in dark clothes at the entrance to the hotel. holding guns. My breathing quickened as i sank to the floor next to the window, trying to control my breathing. "lili, sweet" cole panicked, not having seen what i had. "the- theres th- three of them c- cole" i stuttered, barely having time to catch my breath. "with gu- guns". In that moment I could see a wave of panic spread over coles face. "you're okay lils you're okay" he said, trying to get me to breath with him, but it was no use. "hey bub breathe with me" he said, gesturing breathing motions with his hand as he looked at me. "I'm try- " i was interrupted by a phone call; calling from the phone in the hotel room. I rose from the ground and stumbled over to the phone, holding my own phone in my hand. I picked up the phone and answered it, trying to sound as normal as possible. It was the hotel manager. he was informing occupants that there was an armed robbery occuring in the reception, and instructed us to lock our doors and not come out until told otherwise. I placed the phone down and  turned to cole, who looked at me with an 'and?!?' look on his face. I could barely make out any words. "ar- armed robb- robbery" i stuttered, gasping for air. "lili look at me, hun" cole said, trying desperatley to get my attention. I finally focussed on him and started to steady my breathing, trying not to focus on the unfolding events around me. "i- i need you" i blurted out, closing my eyes and breathing shallowly. "i know you do love, i'm booking my flight now" he said, as i saw the light of his laptop. "but right now i need you to do something for me okay?" I nodded tenderly. he seemed so calm. the opposite of me. "I need you to go and lock your door alright? can you do that for me?" he said, as if he was coaching a three year old to use the potty. I slowly stood up from the floor and hobbled over to the door, locking it and hooking the chain. "good girl" he cheered "you see, its just one step at a time. Nice and easy". I could tell that he was faking his bravery for me. "Now i want you to go lie down in bed okay?" he asked, and I obeyed, sitting back down on the bed and pulling up the covers. I could hear a ruckus downstairs, yelling. thankfully no gunshots. yet at least. "hey lili" he said, pulling my attention away from the sounds below me. "its alright". He talked to me for what seemed like hours, drowning out the sounds from the lobby, until police sirens could be heard. "see hun? you're okay" he said once it had been confirmed that the robbery was terminated and the suspects arrested, opening our apartment door. I could barley talk. I just nodded. "im on my way now. Ill be there before lunchtime" he exclaimed, hopping into an uber. The next few hours were spent huddled up in bed, facetiming cole, and then messaging him when he was on the plane. It wasnt before long until he turned up at my hotel room, pulling me into the most conforting hug. it felt so right. And i felt so safe. "love" cole said, pulling away from the hug, me resisting. "you did it. i'm here. let me keep you safe".


Sorry this is really bad (insert laughing emoji) 

Hope you guys had a good valentines day! my dog didn't take the hint and get me a rose but alright :(

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