what's so important?

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"lili have you seen my- " Cole started, walking from their bedroom out to the kitchen. "-favourite sweater" he finished, as he saw a blonde in a dark green jumper seated at the breakfast bar. "Huh" Lili muttered placing down her phone, turning to face him. "Oh yeah. It's my favorite sweater too". Cole chuckled, walking towards her. "It smells like you" she added, collecting the hem of the sweater in her delicate hands, reaching it up to her nose to sniff it. "You better keep it then" he offered, pulling her off the bar stool for a hug. Lili was about to head to LA for a week to do some media coverage, whilst Cole was required to stay in Vancouver to continue filming the fourth season of riverdale. "I'm gonna miss you" lili said, sadly. The two were used to the odd week apart, but the more the pair fell in love with each other, the easier it was to miss their soulmate, even if it was for an hour. "I'm gonna miss you so much more" he said, pouting and placing a kiss on her forehead. "You give the best cuddles". Lili giggled, gripping him closer, savoring the moment.

The pair finally pulled apart, looking each other in the eyes and sighing. "I'll call you every moment I can" she said, rubbing his hands in hers. "Not if I beat you to it" he chuckled. Cole opened the door to their apartment, wheeling lili's suitcase out to the awaiting Uber. "I love you" lili said, wrapping her hands around his neck, reluctant to let go. "I love you more" he said, hugging her tightly, placing a kiss on her lips before hopping into the Uber. "I'll call you when I get to the airport" she shouted, as the Uber left the driveway of the apartment complex. Cole just nodded, knowing she wouldn't see it, and headed back into their apartment.

Closing the door, cole reached into her pocket for her phone. He pulled it out, clicking onto kjs contact and dialed his number. KJ picked up almost instantly.

*on call*

"Hey cole, what's up?" "Hey kage , can you come over?" "Of course, is something wrong?" "No, I just need you're help. It's important" "okay I'll be there in ten, see you" "thanks dude, see you"

*off call*

"What's so important?" Kj said, only just having made it to cole and lili's apartment. "You're going to need to sit down for this" Cole said, nervously, gesturing him to the couch. "What?" Kj said, intriguingly.

"I'm going to propose to Lili but I don't know how"


Hey guys... sorry it's so short. I've been not feeling the best lately so have been sleeping lots, not that I'm complaining haha. There will be a part two if you guys want it.

Also, anyone wanna become friends, none of my friends have any interest in riverdale or sprousehart in general so I have no one to rant to lol. I wanna learn about you guys too! How are you? Anyways, thanks for reading!

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