2,742 miles apart

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Lili POV

I woke up to the sound of my phones alarm blaring. It was 6am and I needed to get ready to go to set. I reached for my phone to turn it off and then turned over in the bed, only to remember that it was empty. Cole was in New Orleans filming the new movie he was starring in, five feet apart. I am extremely happy for him to get this amazing opportunity, but it does mean that we are away from each other for long periods of time. The last time I saw him was three weeks ago, when I surprised him for his birthday on set. That was the last time I'd hugged him. Or kissed him.

i jumped out of bed, had a quick shower and got dressed before calling him whilst I made breakfast. The FaceTime call rang a few times before the picture of his sweet face showed up on my phone. "Good morning love" he said, smiling and placing a spoonful of cornflakes into his mouth. "Morning" I replied, giving him a warm smile and sighing. "What's up?" He asked the blonde, concerned. "Nothing, I just miss you as usual" I replied, snickering. I said this every call we had. "I know bub, me too" he said sighing. I placed a couple of pieces of toast in the toaster and grabbed out a chopping board. "What have you got planned today?" I asked. His shooting schedule has been pretty packed lately, and we've only really been able to talk in the mornings. "I'm shooting quite a lot of scenes today, my hours are from 12pm to 2am" he said, looking at my green eyes through his phone. "So we won't be able to FaceTime tonight I'm guessing" I replied. I understand how busy shooting can be. "I'm sorry love, I promise that we will have a FaceTime date tomorrow" he said, smiling sympathetically. "I'll try get Justin to let me off tomorrow night". I just smiled gratefully. "Okay I have to get going" I said "I have to be in hair and makeup in half an hour" I grabbed my duffel bag and keys and headed for the door. "Okay hun, I'll text you throughout the day" he said, blowing me a kiss. "I love you" "I love you more" I said, hanging up the call and heading out the door of our apartment.

"Morning guys" I said as I arrived in the hair and makeup trailer. I was greeted by the hair and makeup people, along with cami, madelaine and kj. "Morning lils" madelaine said, turning to face me as her hair was being curled. "Have you talked to cole this morning?" kJ asked, putting his hand up for a high five from me. "Is that even a question" I said, laughing and returning the high five. "He's pretty busy today so I don't know how mush I'll be hearing from him". "Well as I always offer, I can be your manly shoulder to cry on" he said, smiling. kJ is the best, he was so understanding of how mush I missed cole. He is his best friend after all. I sat down in the makeup chair and started putting on my basic makeup for Betty, whilst my hair was done in the perfect pony tail. "We have scenes together today lils" cami said, shouting down to the other end of the trailer where I was. "Finally" I said, sighing. I guess you could say I am B and V deprived. My phone buzzed and I reached for it to see an incoming call from cole. "I thought he was at set" kj said. "You and me both" I replied, worriedly, stepping out of the trailer to take the call. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah I'm fine " he replied. He was obviously not fine. "You're not..... what's up?" " Justin just told the cast that we will be filming at the lake next week, and we only get filming privileges for that week" he said, sighing. "And that's bad because?" I asked, confused. "We will be filming as much as we can there, filming every moment of everyday". I suddenly realized what that meant. "I'm so sorry bub but I won't be able to be there on your birthday" he said, regretingly.

"Oh" I muttered. I didn't know what to say. "It's okay, I understand" I said, because I did. Shooting was his number one priority right now, my happiness could be his second. "It's not okay" he said, obviously starting to tear up. "No baby it's honestly okay" I said, sympathetically, though inside I was crushed as it meant I would have to wait another two weeks to see the love of my life. "I'm so so sorry" he continued to apologize, which just made me feel bad. "Love it's not your fault" I said, hearing my name being called into the makeup trailer. "Look I have to go bub, but I'll text you later. And don't worry about it. I love you " I said, hearing a distant sigh and 'I love you' before hanging up my phone and putting it in my back pocket. I climbed back into the hair and makeup trailer, wiping a single tear from my check. "Is everything okay?" Cami asked, alerted that I had slightly tear stained cheeks. "Yeah" I said, slouching back into the makeup chair, trying not to mess up the ponytail. "Cole can't come home next week can he" madelaine asked. I just nodded and breathed a heavy sigh. Cami got out of her makeup chair and came over to hug me in mine. "I'm sorry" she said, rubbing my shoulder. "It's okay " I said, another tear rolling down my cheek. " we can plan something" kJ said, the girls nodding. "You won't be completely alone" madelaine said, "you'll have us". I nodded and smiled. Having best friends with you on your birthday would be better then nothing.


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed, and comment if you want a part two! 💘

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