just a kid

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the day seemed to have gone on forever. lili lay on the couch in her and her boyfriends apartment, waiting eagerly for him to arrive home from set. It had been such a gloomy day, and they hadn't gotten to see each other since getting out of bed this morning. All lili wanted after the tough day was to curl up in coles embrace and fall fast asleep. But that was not the case. As lili started to dose off, she heard the distinct sound of a key turning the lock of the front door and saw a distraught Cole slaughter in, huffing. It didn't seem right. Lili rose from the couch and walked over to her boyfriend, putting her arm out for a hug. "Hey handsome" she said, only to be ignored the hug as he placed his duffel bag on the kitchen counter. "Hey" he replied, reaching his hand up to a ruffle his hair and rub his forehead. "Are you okay?" Lili asked, reaching up to rub his shoulder, worried at the sight of him. "I'm fine" he said firmly, pushing her hand away. He had never spoke to lili in such a harsh tone before. "Cole" she said, following him as he walked towards their bedroom. "You need to talk to me". He sighed and put his hands on his head, taking a seat on the edge of their bed. "You wouldn't understand" he replied harshly. "Was it something that happened at set? Did someone say something to you?" She asked, sitting next to him, swinging an arm around his back. "No" he replied, placing his head in his hands. "Was it something I did?" Lili muttered, tearing up herself. She hated to make cole angry or frustrated in any way. "No lili!" He shouted, jumping up from the bed to stand and face her. "It's not something to do with work, us, or you for god sakes so just stay out of it! You're just a kid and you wouldn't understand!". Lili stared at him, stunned, a small tear rolling down her cheek. He never raised his voice to her. Never. She saw coles eyes suddenly fill with guilt in regards to what he had said. Lili wiped away the tear from her cheek, standing up, nodding. "Lili" Cole said regretfully, reaching to pull her to him. "It's okay. I'm sure I wouldn't understand" she said, picking up her coat from the back of the door. "It's just like you said. I'm just a kid who wouldn't know any better" she sighed. "Lili please" cole said, pulling her arm. "It's okay. I'm going to go for a walk, give you time to cool off" she smiled, when inside she was hurt, really hurt. She went to the door, closing it gently behind her, leaving Cole in their apartment alone, regretting everything he had said.  He paced the apartment, trying to think of a way to make her forgive him. He couldn't believe what he had just said to his love. Of course she would understand. She would be the one to understand the most. Lili walked through the dark streets of Vancouver, trying to dismiss the voice of Cole shouting at her from her head. She knew he was sorry, and she felt guilt herself at the though of how cole would feel right now. But she needed to give him time to think about what he had done, and quite frankly, lili needed time to think about what she could've said to make the situation better.
After feeling like he had been punished enough, lili arrived home to their apartment. She opened the door, seeing a distraught Cole leap from the couch towards her. He pulled lili into a tight hug and kissed her head. "Lili I'm so so sorry" he said, emotionally. "I don't know what came over me". "It's okay" Lili replied, lifting her head to see his tear stained eyes. "It's not. You were only trying to help and I was resisting. You're not a kid. You're anything but a kid . You're a beautiful young woman who I love endlessly" she reached her hand up to caress his face. "I would do anything to make you forgive me". "You could tell me what happened" Lili responded "I still need to know that you're okay". Cole lead lili to the couch, pulling her on top of him so she was sitting in his lap. "You know that company that I was supposed to do a massive photo shoot for". Lili nodded. "Well they called me this afternoon to tell me that they had found someone better suited to the job, so they didn't need me anymore" he sighed. Lili's heart broke. She new how much he was excited for that photo shoot and how it would boost his confidence. She frowned at him, pulling him in for a warm hug. "It's their loss" she said, pulling away from the hug. "You're the best photographer that I know". He chuckled "you're just being biased, you have to say that" "even so, you're still the best, and I have evidence to back it up" she said, looking around their apartment at the canvases detailed with coles photos. He smiled back at her. His love. "I love you" he said, looking her in her green eyes. "I love you too" she replied, "but please don't shut me out again, I could barley last one hour without you" she giggled. "Never" he replied, guiltily, pulling her in and kissing her on the forehead. "Never".

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