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Author's note

So first and foremost I would like to shout out Jaeyong Station on youtube for making the "south of the border" fmv which inspired this story's plot. (Check video linked above). I am afraid I won't live up to the awesomeness of the video as I know nothing about mafias and such so as I write I am gonna do my best from watching dramas with related things and research to help the chapters progress if necessary.

Also a side note, I'm new to writing smut and I feel it'll be a bit awkward... lol, and I definitely won't wanna excessively proofread it afterwards so I apologize in advance if it sucks terribly.

Be sure to read the character profiles!


No copyright infringement intended. Everything mentioned if not stated otherwise is the work of my imagination.

Would like to thank my friends for helping me out with connecting some dots.


What's to be expected:
• English language
Moderate profanity
Smut/Mature Content - [̲̅𝘟]≋
• Mafia AU
• Slow burn/build
Possible violence
• Jaeyong + other NCT members
• Filler sections + cliches (maybe)

BOLD - Character speech
ITALICS - Character thoughts/memories
Underlined & Italicized - Timestamps


➭Duration: Nov 24, '19 - Feb 21, '20

Proceed ➲

Between the Lines┃JaeyongWhere stories live. Discover now