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When morning came, Taeyong awoke sluggishly, his body sore from the blast last night. Suddenly he began to panic and wonder if the police would find out soon. He wondered why Hendery made such a reckless move. If he was being threatened or in trouble, was beyond him. Not that he exactly cared, it's just that, he was now indirectly involved and had to save his own skin.

He sat up in the twin sized bed and stared at the empty wall ahead. Taeyong groaned as he ruffled his ash coloured locks in frustration. He already had his own problems, he forgot momentarily. How was he going to face Jaehyun today after doing what he did yesterday. If only that entire day could have been erased.

Once he was through with scolding himself, he grabbed his clothes from the duffel bag in the corner of the bedroom and headed straight for the shower.

He felt stuffed in the confines of Sichengs small bathroom. It's not like he didn't have a similar-sized one, perhaps even smaller, when he was growing up. He was just accustomed to his current lifestyle and that was a problem. He was too comfortable and didn't know how long it would last. He had been too confident taking this job. Surely, things we often perceive as nothing prove themselves the hardest.

After a thorough scrub, he wore his clothes, a light blue polo and denim jeans, not taking note of his appearance in the oval mirror above the sink. He already knew he looked like shit but he didn't care at all. He brushed his teeth still avoiding the urge to gaze into the mirror.

Grabbing his keys and helmet, he set off out of the apartment, to the office. He marked this day the last he would see Jaehyun, one way or another, he was getting rid of this job before the situation got worse.

Upon arriving, he parked his bike and walked to the company's building and boarded the elevator, riding it to the fifth floor. First things first, get Jaehyun out of the office and search the safe. Easier said than done. What excuse would he even use. He was running out of time and ideas. It was nearing the deadline that the Politician had given him. He heaved a heavy sigh as the elevator chimed.

Getting off, he walked slowly to the CEOs office. He paused and took a deep breath in before he knocked and was told to enter. He displayed a plastic smile and pushed the door forward, entering through it.

"Morning, er, sir..." he said reluctantly.

Jaehyun raised his head from the documents in his hand. His face scrunched at the small cut over the olders cheek and the chapped appearance of his lips. "What happened to you.....are you okay?"

Jaehyun was still getting used to the fact that Taeyong was living a fake identity. He didn't want to risk calling him by his real name and refrained from saying it. The appearance of the older made the suspicions Johnny had revealed to him seem plausible.

"Yes, I uh...just had a rough night..." Taeyong said, avoiding the youngers piercing gaze.

Jaehyun smirked, he was amused that Taeyong was trying to lie. He decided not to entertain the topic further, "I see...anyway, what's the matter?"

Taeyong stepped forward in front of the desk, "Do you have any meetings today?" he asked, imploring on when his opportunity would strike.

The CEO furrowed his brows, "Not that I'm aware of, why?"

"Just checking so that I can be prepared for later, I had wanted to leave earlier to visit the hospital." Taeyong said. He didn't lie, he had planned to visit his grandma today as he had pushed it back for far too long.

"If I do, I'll let you know. You may leave earlier if you need to, Tai." Jaehyun finally uttered it. The name he knew Taeyong as. The emphasis he placed on the name went unnoticed by the older as he simply nodded.

Between the Lines┃JaeyongWhere stories live. Discover now