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Jaehyun stared absentmindedly at the screen before him. He had been reviewing marketing proposals for his company's new product set to launch soon. He shut his eyes and squeezed the bridge of his nose, in effort to relieve the tension in his eyes.

Looking over to the clock which hung on the wall, he saw that it had nearly been closing time. It read, 4 pm. He hadn't anticipated him being here so late again and he let out a heavy sigh. As he was about to resume his work,  his phone started to ring. He glanced at the screen and didnt recognize the number but picked it up anyway.

"Hello, Jaehyun speaking?" He said with a hint of politeness.

"Yo dudeee, it's me, John!"

"John? As in Johnny Seo?"

"The one and only" the person on the other line snickered.

Jaehyun met Johnny in America when he attended university, they were the same major and were very close friends. He was the only person he could relate to as there weren't many Koreans in the University he attended.

When Johnny first saw him and spoke in Korean he was shocked and they've been friends since. However, when Jaehyun had decided to return to Korea they hardly stayed in contact as they had been equally busy focusing on their careers.

Due to Jaehyuns cold and aloof demeanor he had never been able to make any other friends when he returned, he also didn't have the time. He had business partners but not people he could hang out with and be himself. Luckily for him, he gave Johnny his contact details before leaving in any case the other returned back to Korea.

"Woah, are you back in Korea??"

"Yeah, I moved back, just arrived at the airport"

"And the first person you called was me? I'm so touched" Jaehyun said with a sweet tune in his voice.

"Hell no, I called for a cab first, then my mom, then you"

"Ouch. Anyway man, we gotta hang later" he gave a light chuckle.

"Definitely Jae, I'll send you my hotel address, come and pick me up!"

"Alright, I'll come for you in an hour or so" Jaehyun said before they both hung up.

He quickly finished what he could beforehand. Jaehyun decided to go home after work and change into casual styled clothing. Once he had completed his quota, he left his office with the thought of going home in mind. Then he headed over to the hotel to pick up his friend.

Taeyong glanced at the watch and saw he'd stayed a little pass the usual time. He hadn't been called in for a while and wondered if Jaehyun had fallen asleep again in the office and he'd have to get him home or worse, stay overtime.

He went to the door of the office and gave a few light knocks, loud enough to be heard but not to startle the other if he had been asleep.

"Mr. Jung?" He called cautiously from behind the door.

He heard no answer. He then tried the knob and found the office had been unlocked, he slowly opened the door pushing it inwards and peeping to see if he had been intruding.

Taking one quick glance, he saw that the room had been empty and the desk was neatly organized. Taeyong seized the opportunity and went inside, looking behind him first to make sure no one saw.

Immediately, he went towards the drawer which had been his main priority, he stooped down in front of it and began to toggle it pulling it to open. It didn't budge.

Ugh, but of course. Why would he leave it open.

He tried a few more times, even looking for something to pick the lock with, but all unsuccessful. Taeyong figured it's best he not tarry before Secretary Moon catches him or otherwise, locks the door to the office with him trapped inside.

As cautiously as he came in, he made his way back out and left the company and headed home for the evening.

When he got inside his apartment, he was greeted by Sicheng who had ordered their dinner and sat at the dining table waiting.

"Tae, can we go out instead to celebrate my freedom?" The younger beamed at him.

"Today? Now?" Taeyong questioned, standing in the hallway.

"Yesss, there's no better time like the present!"

Taeyong sighed heavily, he was mentally and physically dejected. He hadn't gotten the results he'd hoped for and was starting to become wary. Maybe he needed something to take his mind off of things for the moment, and with that he agreed to the youngers request.

"So where will we go?" He said as he went to the living room and sat on the couch, stretching across the back.

Sicheng got up from the dining table and followed him, "Hmm.. why not..... Tonic? It's the only place I really know."

"What?! Are you shitting me? No way!" Taeyong exclaimed with furrowed brows.

"Come on Tae, let's just go there. For drinks, I'm a free man now!"

"Why would you wanna go back to that shithole, after what they did to you??"

"They were only following protocol, besides they're sort of my family too. They were part of my life for a long time, I shouldn't run away.", The younger displayed a sad smile. "Please, Tae.... grant me this wish to say goodbye... I'll be fine, I promise."

Taeyong placed his face in his hands and sighed. He was beginning to feel stressed, he didn't say anything for a while until he shook his head and stared up at his friend.

"Fine, but if anything happens, we leave immediately"

"Yayyy, thanks Tae." Sicheng said as he went beside Taeyong, wrapping him in his arms and started to shake him.

Taeyong could only grin at his friend before they went to get dressed for their outing. Once dressed they went down to Taeyongs motorcycle which he retrieved his spare helmet from the compartment and handed it to Sicheng before they both hopped on the bike and drove off.

Upon arriving to Tonic they entered smoothly and was making their way to the bar. However, a voice caught their attention, "Yo Tai, why's that traitor here?" Said an unnamed gang member.

The buff man walked towards the two males and stood in front of them. "We're just here for drinks, okay? We mean no harm." Taeyong said as he stood in front of Sicheng blocking him from the larger male.

"I better not see that mouse Winwin around the back" he said pointing at Sicheng.

They were beginning to catch the attention of some of the customers as they were walking by.

"What are you looking at?!" The gang member barked which caused the customers to avert their gaze and scurry.

"Of course not, as Tai said we mean no harm." Sicheng said as he walked from behind Taeyong to stand beside him. The man hissed at his remark.

Taeyong gripped Sichengs hand to hold him back.

"Let this be a lesson to you too, Tai." He said before he walked off in the opposite direction.

Taeyongs fist which he had been clenching then loosened, he turned to Sicheng. "Are you sure you wanna be here? We can go to somewhere else"

"No, please Tai, let's just stay. They have a right to be mad, but let's not let it dampen the mood." Sicheng said, holding on to Taeyongs arm who visibly sighed and gave in.

The two then proceeded towards the bar where they greeted Hyunjin and ordered two beers as they settled on the stools.

Between the Lines┃JaeyongWhere stories live. Discover now