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mature content ahead!!
This whole chapter is smut, skip it completely if you don't want to read or skip to the extreme end! Sorry for mistakes as this isn't proofread.

Taeyong spared no chance as he lunged towards Jaehyun, enveloping his arms around the others neck and pressing their lips together into a bruising kiss. They both moved into the penthouse, the door closing itself gently behind them. It only took him a minute until Jaehyun responded with fervour, parting Taeyongs lips, begging for entrance and slipping his tongue into his wet cavern to taste his sweet mouth. His hands oscillating the curves of the olders waist beneath his shirt, sending a chill down his spine.

Taeyong let out a wanton moan from the friction of Jaehyuns fingers kneading his heated skin. The latter, apathetic to the bruising he could inflict.

Jaehyun held Taeyongs waist closing their distance, deepening their kiss. Between their kisses Taeyong mutters, "bed". The younger wasting no time pull him into the direction of the stairs to his bedroom.

As soon as they reached, hungry clashes of lips were all that was seen, both lips bruised and swollen from assault. Jaehyun withdrew, which made the elder look at him confused. "Are you sure about this?" He asked uncertainty in his eyes.

"I wouldn't have come, if I wasn't sure" taeyong said and grabbed him by the nape to resume their searing session.

Jaehyun pushed Taeyong onto the bed and towered over him like a predator ready to devour its prey. Slowly he kissed the olders jaw while undoing the buttons of his jeans then tugging them off with precise motion. He threw them aimlessly, the metals of the jeans giving a light clang as they fell to the floor.

Jaehyun removed his own shirt doing away with it as well to be forgotten, at a corner of the room. He gazed at Taeyongs articles of clothing which were left, in annoyance "take these off" he ordered giving them a light tug. Taeyong followed, stripping himself of his remaining clothing then reclining back into the bed staring at the younger and waiting for what to do next.

Jaehyuns eyes were heavy with arousal, the look in his eyes dark with lust. He noted the pink erection of the other already leaking of precome. "You're hard for me already" he said mellifluously with a sinful grin.

Taeyong felt a blush threatening to appear on his cheeks and bit his lower lip to suppress his embarrassment. He saw the other gawking at his body and felt a carnal desire rising within him.

Jaehyun stared at Taeyongs body. His skin was unmarred porcelain, the way he loved it, untarnished and looked like it should be handled with care.

He inhaled sharply through his teeth at the olders beautiful features. Eyes trailing from his glassy mahogany doe eyes, his slender button nose, incredibly sharp jaw line and pink luscious lips. He paused for a while before his eyes continued to rake down Taeyongs slender body from his rosy buds, fit abdomen and small waistline.

Jaehyun couldn't believe the sight in front of him right now, a needy and willing Taeyong on his bed, sprawled and naked all for him. "You're so so beautiful" he uttered.

Taeyong averted his gaze trying not to feel embarrassed at his current state, he'd never imagined it'd come to this. Jaehyun then leaned forward and began trailing his hands down the others body, his callous fingers carving their way into the soft skin, to rest at the olders slender waist.

He then pulled Taeyong closer to him near the edge of the bed as he stood in between his legs, parting them to stand in between.

"W-what are y-you going... to do to me?" Taeyongs muttered softly, eyes widened with fear.

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