4.8K 223 163

November 2019
J Enterprises
Seoul, South Korea
37.5665° N, 126.9780° E


Jaehyun sat at the end of the conference table with his arms folded. He was in a progress meeting for his company's financial performance.

"So you're saying, in order to sell these products we have to reduce the price?" He sneered at the presenter who stood before him.

"S-sir, not e-exactly."

"Then what are you saying, exactly?" he arched his brow at the man, who was obviously shaken up.

Everyone in the conference room remained silent and avoided his gaze. Jaehyun tapped his finger on the table while he glanced around the room at the workers. Still, no one dared to utter a sound. After a few minutes, he sighed heavily.

"Draft up a new report, I expect it on my desk in the morning. Meeting adjourned." he said and swiftly rose from his seat and headed for the door.

"Y-yessir" the employee stuttered and bowed.

Jaehyun walked down the hallway. He was greeted by the bows of his employees which he did not return. His secretary, Mr. Moon trailed behind him.

"Taeil, call the supplier and let them know we'll be on our way there shortly."

"Right away Mr. Jung."

Secretary Moon quickly took his phone out of his top pocket and dialed the number.

Jaehyun walked ahead to the elevator and waited for his secretary to press the button to go down. They entered the elevator when it came and went to the basement to the company's car. They then got inside and drove off from the company parking lot.

Taeyong had just come out of the shower. He stood in his walk in closet with only a single towel, which was draped around his waist. Remnant water droplets trailing down his slim abdominal muscles. He browsed through the clothes trying to find something to wear in his closet which was mostly filled with a sombre palette.

It had been a year since he joined the mafia. He created a fake identity named Lee Tai and moved out from his grandmas house to keep her away from danger. He visited her whenever he could make time and made sure to send money to help her get by.

Through working for the mafia it came with added perks, including the studio apartment which he now lived in and the motorcycle he drove.

Ultimately, he settled on a full black outfit comprised of a black denim jacket, a black shirt, jeans and combat boots. Once he was dressed, he styled his charcoal tinted hair then he heard his phone which rang from his bedroom.

Taeyong quickly went to fetch it from his nightstand and noted an unknown caller ID.

"Hello?" He cautiously questioned the voice on the other end.

"Tai, where are you?"

He relaxed when he recognized the voice, "Sicheng?"

"Yeah, who else? So, where are you? Are you coming now?"

"I'm home, about to leave."

"Okay, good. Hurry up, the boss is waiting for you." Sicheng said.

"I'll be on my way. Tell him to relax."

"I can't do that, I'm not his favourite."

Taeyong chuckled and ended the call. He went to his living room and grabbed a folder with documents, which laid open on his coffee table. He walked over to his couch and took up his shoulder bag and placed the file in it, before he swung it around him.

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