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mature content ahead!!

When they entered the building they were directed by staff to the waiting area where Jaehyun would get some light makeup done and wait until it was time for him to appear on the show.

Jaehyun sat in front of the mirror, he took his phone out and read his emails. Taeyong however stayed by the doorstep not daring to go nearer to the CEO. After a moment Taeyong spoke, "Uh...can I get you something to drink?"

Jaehyun turned his head towards him and smiled, "Sure, any coffee they have" he said and then resumed his attention to his phone.

Taeyong then went out of the room to find the break room the staff had told him about prior. He merely wanted to keep himself busy and thats why he asked Jaehyun if he wanted the drink. Habits are really hard to break, they say.

Since they arrived, Jaehyun wasn't paying him much attention. Not that he minded, it was just odd. He was grateful that he was being professional but the way he was acting was messing with his mind. It was almost as if they hadn't done anything indecent yesterday. Taeyong ultimately concluded that this must be a regular thing for the other.

He returned to the waiting room with the lidded disposable cup of coffee in hand. When he walked inside, he stopped and bit his inner lip. He had to maintain his distance without being obvious. Minutes later, Jaehyun noticed Taeyong standing near to the door staring down at the coffee in his hand.

"Are you going to stand there all day?" He asked as he got up from his seat and walked towards the older.

Taeyongs head flew up to meet the eyes of the CEO who stared down at him and was now inches away.

Jaehyun stepped forward until he was closer to the other. Taeyong wanted to step backwards but Jaehyun held his hand stopping him. "L-Let go.." he stuttered. Jaehyuns face moved closer to his where he could feel the youngers hot breath feathering against his face.

Taeyong closed his eyes, his mind and body not cooperating with each other. His body was filled with anticipation, wanting and wondering what the younger would do to him next. Jaehyun gave a smirk, "don't worry, I won't do anything to you anymore. Unless you want me to, of course"

Jaehyuns hand grazed along the back of Taeyongs hand which held the cup. It was like a match setting Taeyongs skin on fire. Taeyong shallowly inhaled, "I..." he let out and opened his eyes staring at Jaehyun.

Shortly after, a petite girl came inside the room behind Taeyong. She cleared her throat, causing them to come out of their own world.

Taeyong turned around to see the female standing in the doorstep with a blush on her face. He too was almost as red as her. They had been caught in an awkward moment. Jaehyun peeped over the olders shoulder to stare accusingly at the girl who interrupted them.

"I'm here...to do....your makeup, Mr. Jung" she said shyly. The CEO took the cup of coffee from Taeyongs hand while he still stared at the girl. "Ah, that's fine." Jaehyun then moved back towards his seat, taking a sip of the coffee and smiling to himself.

Taeyong settled on the couch outside and waited until Jaehyun was through and ready to head on the set. He didn't want to be in the same room as the younger and feared he might not last long in his plan to face him head on to get the things he needed.

Jaehyun was now on the set seated on a loveseat next to a female talk show host. Taeyong stood at the side watching the show from the small monitor.

After talking about the company and the newest product, the host was now asking Jaehyun about himself.

The whole time, Taeyong observed how normal Jaehyun seemed at a glance but knew it was all a rouse.

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