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"A gala, hmmm..."

It only took Taeyong a few more scrolls before he found his way in. He saw that the catering company for the event were looking for temporary workers. He dialed the number on the advert.

"Hello, this is Perfect Bites. How may I assist?" the voice on the other end said.

"Hi, yes. I was calling regarding your ad for temporary workers this week."

"Ah, okay. If you're interested please email a copy of your CV to the email provided."

"Okay, thank you. I'll do that right away" he said and hung up.

He then sent the email with the requested document attached.

Using this method was a gamble, but Taeyong wasn't exactly worried. The CV he'd provided was faked to the point of being irresistible.

He continued browsing the web, gathering basic knowledge about this so called, Jung Jaehyun. As he browsed images of the said male, he noted how handsome he was but was often photographed alone.

Taeyong wondered why a young and successful CEO who had everything from looks to fortune, didn't have any rumours about relationships. A guy like that could probably buy anyone's heart, he thought.

As the day drew to an end, Taeyong went to his kitchen and reheated the takeout he had ordered the day before. He went to get his shoulder bag from the couch and fished for the file he was given earlier.

Taeyong opened it and took out the stack of cash. He counted it until he heard the microwave beep. He'd send the money to his grandma like he always have. He got the warmed dish and ate his meal before he went to bed early.

As the morning light peeped through the curtains of Jaehyuns bedroom, he tossed until it was out of view.

When he succeeded, he found a comfortable position. This had been the first time this week that he'd slept in his own bed. He was about to drift back to sleep until he heard soft knocks at his bedroom door.

"Mr. Jung, it's time to wake up, sir." Secretary Moon said behind it.

Jaehyun groaned at the noise and didn't move an inch. His secretary began to knock again and then he forced himself up and out from underneath his comforter.

He then walked to his ensuite bathroom to grab the robe which hung on the rack inside. Slowly, he put it on, as he was only dressed in boxer shorts.

Jaehyun went to the door and swung it open. His secretary instinctively stood back and allowed him to step out of his room.

"Good morning, Mr. Jung"

"Mmm..." Jaehyun murmured and walked down the hallway until he was in his kitchen. He then took a seat on the stool at the counter.

"Here's your breakfast." His secretary said as he handed him a white plastic bag with food containers.

"Thanks" Jaehyun uttered as he took out the transparent plastic containers inside the bag.

He opened the container with fruits first and picked up a grape to place in his mouth.

"I brought your suit for later. It's on your couch." Taeil said.

Jaehyun glanced up and nodded before he shut his eyes and ate the fruits lazily, as he was still drowsy.

Taeil then poured him a glass of orange juice before he departed to the living room in the penthouse.

Between the Lines┃JaeyongWhere stories live. Discover now