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Taeyong turned in bed. His hand felt the side next to him, where Jaehyun had slept, it was empty. He opened his eyes and glanced around the room, catching glimpse of his discarded clothing in the corners of the floor. He then noted that the younger was nowhere to be seen.

Getting up from the bed he made his way to the bedroom door and went down the stairs. He could hear the sound of sizzling and scrapes of what he figured was a pan. The smell of pancakes and bacon mixed into the air and as he made it down the stairs he noted the bare back of the CEO who was in the kitchen making breakfast.

Taeyong then walked behind the counter up to the younger and without thought wrapped his arms around his waist. Jaehyun didn't startle at the sudden contact but peered over his shoulder to stare at the other. Taeyong then nuzzled his forehead into the skin of his back and taking in his scent. "I thought you left" he said.

Jaehyun let out a hearty chuckle, "no I'm only making breakfast", he put down the utensil in his hand to turn around and face the older. Taeyong looked up at him, still holding him close, "I didn't know you cook" he commented with a smirk.

"I can do anything if I set my mind to it." Jaehyun smirked back, "can you set the plates on the counter for me?" He then placed a kiss on Taeyongs forehead. The older nodded and walked to the cupboard to take out two plates. He then went to the counter to place them down.

Suddenly he began to feel a stinging pain at his side. He placed his hand at the location and when he looked down he saw blood. The blood soaked through the baggy white shirt he wore spreading into a huge circle. His legs gave out and he held on to the counter and turned around to see the CEO holding a knife. "W-Why?" he uttered.

"How could you betray me? Betray my trust? I know who you are Taeyong." Jaehyun raised his voice and Taeyong could see his lips curving upward into a wicked grin as he fell to the floor. Then everything around him went dark.

Jaehyun awoke to the sounds of soft whimpers. He could see Taeyong asleep on his chest, his arm around his waist. His brows were knitted together and he appeared to be sweating. The CEO traced his fingers along the others lips and jawline which caused the older to flutter his eyes open and stare at him. It was all a dream, Taeyong assured himself.

"Morning" Jaehyun shot Taeyong a bright smile, "Morning..." Taeyong replied sheepishly, his voice nearly hoarse perhaps from overuse. He felt slightly embarrassed at how weak it sounded.

"How do you feel, T-..ai?" Jaehyun fought the urge to use Taeyongs real name. He wanted to ask him about his true identity but didn't want to risk scaring him off.

Tai, right...this isn't real. Taeyong thought to himself.

That was his reminder, unscheduled, to draw him out of his dream, again. Taeyong already regretted his decision, he had gone and made things more complicated.

"Like a million bucks." He said, forcing a smile. That smile, the one Jaehyun could see through appeared, "Was it....was it okay for you?" He asked cautiously while staring at the older.

"It was new.." taeyong simply said.

Jaehyun arched a brow, "Good... new?"

Taeyong nodded his head and struggled to sit upright against the headboard. He winced as he felt an uncomfortable feeling in his bottom. When he glanced across the room he saw the clothes strewn across various corners of its space. As he was fumbling to get out of the bed, Jaehyun stopped him.

"Dont move, I'll get them" the CEO stated and started to shift the comforter off of his body.

"Okay..." Taeyong replied lowly and watched as Jaehyun got out and went to retrieve their clothing around the room.

Between the Lines┃JaeyongWhere stories live. Discover now