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Just so no one sues me I'm warning that there's death ahead but it's not Jaeyong, so rest assured.

After driving for a good while, they were at an abandoned, unfinished concrete structure. It was a huge building without doors or windows, only open spaces where they should be. It was also considerably dark on the inside, despite the sun still shining, as Taeyong couldn't make out a single soul.

He couldn't recognize where they had been, he was lost ever since they hit the freeway and turned onto an unfamiliar lane. As he gazed around skeptically, he glanced at the man next to him in the backseat. Taeyong felt that should he get out of this car, he wouldn't make it out alive.

When they pulled up beside the building, he hesitated to move. The thug next to him withdrew his firearm and pressed it into Taeyongs side. He grimaced at the contact of cold metal through his shirt piercing into his side. "We're here, get out." the male said.

Taeyong held on to the door handle and inhaled shakily before opening the door. He went out with the man sliding across the seat to follow close behind him. "Straight ahead" he heard the man say and continued to walk as he was directed.

By the time he got into an open doorway he was grabbed by the shoulder and turned to the right. As they walked further into the building, Taeyong searched it seeing it empty and no one in sight.

There were broken pipes hanging from the ceiling with faulty wiring and unfinished light fixtures. The untiled cement floor was wet, perhaps from the broken pipes. The space was expansive and was held upright by various pillars at equidistant degrees from each other.

Once they had walked to the far back of the building, Taeyong turned his head back to see how far the entrance was and how far his escape was also getting from him.

Suddenly, he was pushed forward and he fell knee-down on the floor, his hands bracing him from the fall. When he raised his head upwards he saw fancy dress shoes and designer black slacks and continued to raise his head. Taeyong gulped when he saw the Policitian standing before him with a smirk. "Long time no see, Tai."

"Y-Yes..." he stuttered and then stood up slowly. Taeyong glanced around to see some other men at the corners of the room turned in their direction and that's when he took notice of someone on the floor behind Mr. Choi.

It was Hendery on his knees and his arms were restrained in front of him. His face was beaten pretty badly, from what he could see. His head was hung over and he appeared to be in between consciousness.

"Wanna hear a funny story, Tai? I promise it'll have you on your knees" the Politician sneered as he walked backwards to the Chinese male. Taeyong didn't respond, he felt the blood slowly leaving his face.

Mr. Choi went over to one of his men and grabbed the gun at his side. "No response is a yes to me" he chuckled and went next to Hendery. "I'm sure you remember Hendery?" the boss asked and pointed at the Chinese boy with the gun. Taeyong slowly nodded his head to the boss. He couldn't think clearly and was afraid of what would happen next.

"Great! Well little Hendery had this wild idea to steal from me" the Politician said as he walked around Hendery and continued, "and when he was caught, he decided to run away and kill one of my mercenaries and even tried to flee the country." he said and stopped behind the boy. "Have you heard of this story before, Tai?" the boss stared directly at Taeyong with a serious expression.

Between the Lines┃JaeyongWhere stories live. Discover now