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mature content!!!
Beware, there is smut in this chapter. If you're not comfortable with it please skip to the end. Otherwise, hope you enjoy.

December 2019
Juan Santamaría
International Airport
San José, Costa Rica
9.7489° N, 83.7534° W


As soon as they landed, they went outside of the airport to the transportation zone. Jaehyun spotted the help desk and immediately went up to it to ask how they could get to a decent hotel from there.

After the worker showed him some brochures on hotels in the area, he selected the Marriott Hotel Hacienda Belen. Once the shuttle arrived, they both rode it to their accommodation with a few other travelers.

While on their way, they could appreciate the Colonial architecture of buildings around them. The rich colour hues contrasting together to create a picturesque view. The clear blue skies highlighting a peacefulness they wished to achieve in this new land.

They soon arrived at the grand hotel. They drove along the long stretch of driveway up to the entrance. It was beautifully designed, displaying the similar colonial era style. The yellow structure was decored with a multitude of white arches giving a view of the interior. Above, were fenced balconies connected to the rooms.

There was a water fountain at the bottom of a double staircase leading up to the lobby. After the shuttle stopped, Jaehyun tipped the driver and everyone got out of the vehicle. They all walked up the wide stairs and stood in line to check-in.

After the couple in front was finished, it was now their turn. Jaehyun quickly stepped forward to the desk when the clerk signaled he was ready to serve them.

"Hello, are there any available rooms?" Jaehyun questioned, leaning forward on the counter, while he tapped the toe of his designer shoe against the floor, a habit he probably should quit. "Yes, there's still a few. How many rooms do you need?" the desk clerk asked, staring at both males friendly.

Jaehyun glanced over to Taeyongs direction as if looking for an objection and when he got none he replied, "One room, and a queen sized bed is fine." He handed the clerk his credit card and he swiped it.

"Okay Mr. Jung, your room is on the seventh floor. Here is your key card. Breakfast is served by 7:00a.m. if you have any questions contact the desk by pressing 0 on the phone in your room. Have a nice day." the clerk gave a warm smile, while he handed the cards to the CEO along with his credit card.

"Noted. Thank you and you as well." He replied while wheeling the small suitcase in front of him, Taeyong walking by his side.

They got to the elevator and rode it to the seventh floor. Walking down the carpeted hallway they came in front of the door to their room, 721. Jaehyun swiped the key card and swung the handle to open the door.

As they stepped inside, the fresh linen scent entered their nostrils and a wave of cool air from the aircon brushed against their skins. Jaehyun stowed the suitcase in the closet near to the door. Taeyong however, immediately ran to the bed and collapsed down onto it. He turned on his side, head resting on his propped up arm to watch Jaehyun strolling into the room, his eyes were inspecting each corner of it until he finally settled on the edge of the fluffy bed next to Taeyong.

Jaehyun ran his hand along the leg of the olders jeans, subconsciously, "you can relax. I'm gonna go and get some cash and a laptop and new phone. Do you need anything?" he asked.

"No, I'm good. Just hurry back." Taeyong said with a loving smile. Jaehyun then pressed his lips along the olders before getting up and grabbing one of the key cards, and going back through the door. Taeyong sighed heavily and rolled onto his stomach.

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