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Taeyong debated his options. He knew he couldn't pull the trigger to shoot Jaehyun but how would he escape with them surrounded by four or five men. Perhaps there were others that he hadn't seen as well.

He glanced around at the men staring in his direction. His hand trembled as it pointed at Jaehyun. He couldn't do this, not to the person he loved. Even though he wasn't sure Jaehyun felt the same, especially after seeing him in this situation, but he still loved him.

Taeyong tried to stall for a few seconds as he figured out his exit strategy. He had none. All in all, he didn't know how many bullets were left in this gun and how many of the men had been armed. He could try running, but how far would they get?

He stared at Jaehyun one last time, who stared back at him intently. There was no evidence of fear or surprise seen in his expression. Taeyong mustered the remaining ounce of courage he had and aimed the gun to the ceiling.

The bullet which was fired, ricocheted from the pipes and metal hanging above and caused the men surrounding them to duck by instinct. Using that time, he grabbed hold of Jaehyuns forearm, lifting him from his knees and they settled behind a nearby pillar.

It didn't take long for the commotion to end, "Get them!" the boss yelled to the men, who ran towards Taeyongs direction. Taeyong swiftly untied the rope around Jaehyuns arms and peeked behind the pillar to see two men whom were nearest to them. He fired the gun at the floor to halt the males from approaching. His efforts went in vain when they proceeded to run towards them.

One of the men pulled out their gun and fired it at the pillar causing pieces of the concrete it was made of to chip and crumble to the floor.

Another shot was fired which grazed Taeyongs shoulder causing him to hiss at the pain. Jaehyun pulled him closer in order for them both to be behind it and avoid the bullets, which he briefly stared at the younger in response, and their eyes locked. Both eyes revealed that they had so much to say but not saying it out loud as the timing was inappropriate.

After a few seconds, no more shots were fired and Taeyong swiftly peered behind the pillar to see the guy reloading his gun. Taeyong thought this was his time to take a shot. Clicking the trigger, he was met by the sound of an empty barrel and realized the bullets were finished "shit" he quietly cursed.

Since the gun was now useless, he flung it, causing it to slide across the floor and hit into the wall in the end. He then forcefully swallowed the lump forming in his throat. Time refused to stand still as the men drew closer and closer. Two were now four, coming at them from different directions.

Taeyong took another glance over at Jaehyun who had his eyes closed tightly, his breathing was erratic. Jaehyun was trying to come to terms with their current situation. He was starting to accept that they may not get out of this place after all. Taking a sharp breath, he opened his eyes to see the man whom he had trusted with his heart, now peering behind the concrete column.

He wondered if things were different, would he have stayed away from Taeyong? In the end, he didn't think it was possible. Whatever he felt for Taeyong, whatever he made him feel, even if it wasn't mutual, he wanted to experience it over and over again. Even if he had to risk his life to feel this way a thousand times, it was all worth it.

Jaehyun had never had the time to date properly and experience what it was like to fall in love. He considered them a luxury he could never afford in his unending battle to be better than his father.

Unexpectedly, he did fall in love, and with someone he didn't expect to. He was also uncertain to Taeyongs true feelings towards him. However, despite all of this, he wouldn't trade it for the world.

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