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Taeyong went into his closet grabbing his duffel bag from the rack above his hanged clothes then removed a couple of shirts from their hangers. He turned to his dresser to take out some underwear and regular shirts and a few jeans as well. He went to put the bag on his bed and folded the clothes neatly and placed them inside of it. He was packing to stay over at Sichengs apartment.

After Jaehyun entered into his apartment, he wanted to reduce any chances of similar events occurring again. He ought to be more careful than he was and so he was moving to stay over at Sichengs place in the meantime.

Once he had finished packing his bag with the few days of clothing and necessities he needed, he went into the living room to fetch his laptop. Shortly after, he exited and locked his apartment door then rode his bike to Sichengs apartment.

He was grateful to the younger for gifting him with the spare key before he left. Taeyong never knew he would actually have need for it at all. Luckily, the apartment wasn't too far from where he stayed so if he should need more clothes he could go back.

Taeyong drove for a while, taking multiple lanes until he came to Sichengs apartment complex. It was much smaller than the one he stayed in and had less floors as a result. He parked his bike into the open lot in front and retrieved his bag from the compartment and secured it around his shoulder. He then walked up the stairs of the building.

When he arrived in front of Sichengs door he took out the key from his wallet and unlocked the door and stepped inside. Taeyong took cautious steps into the place, he fumbled for the light switch on the wall by the door and flickered it on when he found it.

He placed his helmet on the wooden table by the door and ventured further into the apartment. Taeyong slowly walked into the place, scanning it carefully as if he expected someone to jump out and attack him. The place was only furnished with basic necessities. Although it was small, the empty spaces in the corners  made it look less stuffy.

He fell into the couch and dropped his bag beside him and let out a heavy sigh. He took out his phone and began to dial Sicheng. Taeyong told his friend that he would be staying at his apartment for a while. The other was surprised he'd use the place so quickly.

When he had questioned the tone in Taeyongs voice, he remained silent for a few seconds until offering up that he'd screwed up.

Taeyong didn't share much of the details and was relieved when the younger hadn't probed him further. He expressed how frustrated he was. How things were not going as planned and he wanted everything to be done and over with. Sicheng encouraged him to keep fighting and when he has to be ruthless just do it without hesitation, it hurts less. That the longer it goes on, the more complicated it becomes.

Taeyong changed the subject and asked him about his life back in China. How his family was doing and if he's okay. Sicheng sounded happier, he told him that he had found a job at a mechanic shop and was doing what he enjoyed. After a while, they hung up and Taeyong reclined in the couch staring at the almost empty apartment. He was at a loss of what to do next.

He recalled Sichengs advice to finish things as quickly as possible and heaved out another sigh before he got his laptop out of his bag and opened it on his lap. He opened up the folder with the recordings and put his earphones in. Clicking the first of the most recent ones he hadn't listened to yet, he began to listen.

"Sir, where's Tai? I have not seen him for a couple of days?"

"Oh...uh, he's sick. I gave him a few days off" Jaehyun said, his voice low.

Taeyong leaned forward as if to hear better. Waiting for the response of the other. 

"Oh.... alright then" Secretary Moon said before the closing of the door was heard.

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