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Taeyong stepped out of the Inspectors office. He felt several pounds lighter and finally decided to get his stuff in order to leave. He then rode his motorcycle to his apartment complex.

When he arrived he parked his bike at the side walk and walked to the lobby and straight to the elevator. Reaching his floor, he stepped out of the elevator and made his way down the hallway until he was at his door.

Once he had unlocked the door, he stepped inside to see the familiar surroundings. He quickly went to his bedroom grabbing another bag and stuffing it with clothes. He went to his bedside table and took out his passport that he had gotten after he returned from Jeju island with Jaehyun.

Although he felt he had no use for it, it may come in handy someday should he need to move to another country. He quickly placed it in the inner pocket of his jacket along with his wallet.

Taeyong retrieved his phone from the back pocket of his jeans and decided to give Secretary Moon a text stating that he was resigning from the job. He then quickly switched off the cellphone, not only because he expected that Mr. Moon would tell his boss and then his phone would endlessly be blown up, but also to avoid being tracked.

He made a mental note to change his number once he arrived in the countryside. Perhaps he wouldn't have use for a cellphone anyway, as there was no one he needed to keep in touch with.

After packing the small bag with what he deemed necessary, he placed his phone into it before he zipped it and then went towards the front door, grabbing his helmet and keys on the way.

Taeyong opened the door and did not expect to see two thugs from Tonic waiting on the other side, "Going somewhere, Tai?" One of the males said as he looked at the bag in Taeyongs hand. Taeyongs eyes widened, he dropped his bag then attempted to run, "uh-uh, not so fast", the main thug said, Taeyong was grabbed from behind by the other male with his mouth covered and he was pulled back into his apartment. The door shut behind them.

They were standing in Taeyongs living room. He was currently being held tightly from the back by an average built man and unable to move. "The boss sent us to get you, you've been a naughty mouse, haven't you?" the same man who had been speaking, snickered. "I don't know what you're talking about." Taeyong tried to pull away from  the other male who held him still only to be punched in the stomach by the other. "Argh..." he let out from the blow.

"Are you going to come quietly or should we just kill you now. The boss didn't specify if he wanted you back alive." the man said and displayed a sinister smile as he lifted his shirt, showing the gun holstered at his waist. Taeyong felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand and his blood turn cold.

He had not expected to be found out so quickly. He wondered if he was being trailed and for how long. If they had known about him visiting the private inspector he wouldn't be alive right now. If they knew about him spending the night in the CEOs penthouse, that would be complicated to explain. Did they know about his relations with Jaehyun or did they know he was withholding information?

Taeyong had no choice but to follow behind the two men to wherever the boss wanted to meet him. He nodded slowly to show he agreed and was then led out of the apartment. He walked in between the two men who suggested it in case he tried to run the one with the gun could shoot him. When they exited the building, he got into the car they had parked near the sidewalk.

Jaehyun was in his office, he heard the chime of his laptop signaling he had received new mail. He opened up the window and clicked the most recent one. When he read it, he was left confused.

Sender: LMK Hospital
to me 8:07am

Thank you for your patronage. Your payments have been fully reimbursed. For more information you can contact the help desk at XXX-XXX-XXX (toll free)

This message is brought to you by PayPal.

"What is this?" Jaehyun questioned after reviewing the email. Checking the sender, he comes to realize what has happened and dials the number for the hospital.

After a few rings it was answered by the operator. "Hello, LMK Hospital. How may I assist?" the cheerful voice said.

"Hello, I received an email about my payments being refunded?" Jaehyun replied calmly.

"Ah, I'll transfer you right away, hold the line, please." the operator said. After a few minutes, another voice spoke, "Hello, LMK Hospital customer service department. How may I help?"

"Yes so, I received an email about reimbursement of funds? I'd like to know what that means." Jaehyun explained.

"Okay, can you please provide your name and the patient who you were paying on behalf of."

"Jung Jaehyun and the patient is Lee Tae-Ri" he replied. "One moment" the woman said and there was a brief pause as she pulled up the records.

"It shows that her medical fees were paid in full by her grandson, a Mr. Lee Tai."

"In full? Is she discharged?" Jaehyun asked confusedly. He wondered why Taeyong paid it instead and didn't tell him she was better. Even after they shared an intimate moment, he was still distrusting of him.

"Did he not tell you? Mrs. Lee has passed away."

Jaehyun was speechless. He deduced that this must have been why Taeyong looked so distraught. It made no sense why the older would suddenly have the urge to visit him. Knowing this now, Jaehyun felt guilty. He felt like he had used the older and taken advantage of him in his moment of weakness. Surely Taeyong didn't have any feelings towards him, he was just desperate to escape reality and acting out his frustrations.

"Uhm, sir? Are you still there?" the woman called out. He forgot he was still on the line. "Y-Yes...thank you for the information." he replied and bid the person goodbye.

Shortly after, as Jaehyun was still processing the information, a knock on his door caused him to come back to reality. He ordered the person to come in and was met by his secretary who noticed the bewildered expression on his face.

"Sir, is everything alright?" the secretary inquired.

"Uh...yes, what is it, Taeil?" Jaehyun looked at his secretary expectantly.

The secretary cleared his throat, "I-I just received a text from Tai, he has decided to resign from the job."
Jaehyuns eyes widened once his secretary finished speaking. "What?!" He stood up immediately, his hands rested on the desk and he looked at the secretary in astonishment. He couldn't believe this. Taeyong hadn't mentioned wanting to leave yesterday. In fact, he hadn't mention a lot of things.

They were just starting to get comfortable together and suddenly he felt that Taeyong wanted to leave. He wondered if he just used him to fill a void in his mind. To pass the time or even to expirement with what it was like having sex with another male. Jaehyun asked himself, why would Taeyong do this. He questioned if he was being abandoned again, thrown away and left alone just like when his mother died.

In a fit of panic he grabbed his phone and stormed out of the office in search of the older. "Mr. Jung?" The secretary called but was ignored.

The CEO clutched his phone in his hands and ran to the elevator, pressing the button. As he waited for it to ascend he looked at his phone and began to call Taeyong but it went straight to voicemail.

Jaehyun dialed the number again, still not getting through, "Tai, where are you?" he said after the phone beeped, signaling to leave a message, "when you get this call me right away!" he finished and stepped into the elevator and rode it down to the basement to get to his car.

Everything goes down
in the next chapters.
Thank you for still reading
this boring fanfic and it will
soon come to an end.

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