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Taeyong was now at the hospital. He received a call that his grandma had shown some improvement over the past few days. She responded to a test they did this morning and her condition appeared to be stabilizing as well. He was currently talking to the attending doctor.

"Yes, Mr. Lee, your grandmother appears to be coming out of her comatose state. She still appears to be weak and not as improved as we want but there has been some progress" Dr. Aera said.

"Okay, so theres a chance she will get better?" he asked.

"There is but its very slim, she also needs to avoid another insult to her body and adhere to the medication. But baby steps are what we're going after right now."

"Alright. Thank you very much, Doctor." Taeyong replied and gave a ninety degree bow. The doctor bowed also before departing the room.

He had a wide grin on his lips as he looked over towards his grandma who had her eyes open slightly. She couldn't speak but she could follow some commands they had asked.

He went back to the seat next to her bed and held her hand. This time instead of a lifeless hand, she weakly clasped her fingers around his hand and looked over to him without moving her body.

"Grandma, you have no idea how worried I was!" he exclaimed.

Taeyong began to tell her about what's been happening with her and how he's trying his best to get a place nearby which she could stay in order for him to take care of her more often. He also mentioned the fact that he's almost finished paying off the debt and she no longer has to worry or work.

He couldn't stay long as it wasn't visiting hours yet and wouldn't be until another few hours. He was only called in to share the information and allowed to see her current state. Taeyong promised her that he would come back later to check on her and that she should continue to get better. He then left the hospital and went back home.

Taeyong entered his apartment and hung his helmet on the rack. He struggled taking off his leather jacket and threw it across the back of his couch when he had reached the living room. He then went across the room to his desk, sitting down in the swivel chair and opened his laptop up with purpose.

He browsed through the autosaved recordings in the folder he had labeled 'debt'. So far he only had four days worth of content but decided to go through them while they were at a manageable amount. Maybe he would find something that would change things.

Since it was the weekend, he didn't have to worry about being called to the office today, unless there was some sort of emergency. Taeyong held the mouse and drew the cursor over the first recording, double clicking it to play.

Suddenly, a voice came up which he automatically recognized as Jaehyuns, "Taeil, what's the schedule like today?"

Taeyong fast forwarded and skipped some time lapses until the voice spoke again.

"Inspector Kim, how are things going?" he heard Jaehyun say. "Okay, please let me know as soon as you find something." Taeyong wondered what could Jaehyun be doing associating with an inspector. Was he suspicious of something? Suspicious of him?

He realized Jaehyun must've been on the phone as he hadn't heard the other person respond. He then continued to play the audio until it came to an end and clicked the other recording.

Taeyong recognized his voice coming in and out of the office, asking the CEO if he had anything to give him to do or needed anything. He skipped ahead a bit. "Taeil, how does he look?" Jaehyun asked in a soft voice.

Between the Lines┃JaeyongWhere stories live. Discover now