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"Welcome to the launching of our newest product! We're glad to announce that it's now available for purchase." The CEO said through the microphone. " It's environmentally friendly and cost effective, as compared to the previous models before it" jaehyuns voice could be heard ricocheting from the walls of the building.

It was the day his company was launching the new product he had worked many sleepless nights over.

The third floor of the building was filled with crowds of people, including customers browsing the outlet stores and some walking by the store Jaehyun was in. There were also groups of media reporters covering the scoop on the latest developments of J Enterprise.

Once Jaehyun was through introducing the product and its newest features, a Q+A was opened. Each reporter took turns asking him questions while some snapped pictures of the product models on display behind him.

"Mr. Jung, so what do you have to say on your company's rise in success?"

Jaehyun took a deep breath and glanced around the room as if searching for an answer, "I have no good answer for that.... I would just have to thank our loyal customers for their continual support" the CEO let out a nervous chuckle, darting his eyes to another reporter who stared in his direction.

"Do you have any future development plans in mind?" The reporter asked.

"Yes, we're in the process of expanding our franchise. A new branch hopefully to be completed by the end of the year in Jeju" he said as he gazed around the store at his audience.

Jaehyun continued answering their questions and then posed next to the products for the photo op.

Taeyong arrived at the company around midday. He had not received a single text about anything work related and was beginning to wonder why. He had entered the building and was on his way to the elevator. When he looked up, he saw a huge crowd of people on the third floor. Curious, he decided to check what all the buzz was about.

He rode the elevator, getting off at the third level. As the doors parted he was overwhelmed by the crowd of people blocking the path. Pushing through the loose spaces between persons, he got to the front and noticed Secretary Moon who was heading in the direction of the elevators.

The secretary struggled through the people separating him and Taeyong until he finally got in front of him."Oh, Tai! I'm so glad you're here, Mr. Jung needs a copy of the product contract for someone wanting to buy a batch order. I have other matters to attend to, can you get it?" Secretary Moon stated.

"Oh... okay, uh, what does it look like and where do I find it?"

"It'll be in the stack of papers on his desk to the left and more than likely titled 'Product contract agreement'"

"Ah... alright, I'll go get it. And who should I bring it to?"

"Either me or Mr. Jung, whomever you're able to find in this chaos!" The secretary exclaimed flailing his arms in the air.

Taeyong softly chuckled and nodded then headed back to the elevator through the crowd of people. He waited for the door to chime and open before stepping in and riding it two flights up to the CEOs floor.

When he made it, he headed straight to the door of the CEOs office. Coming to the realization that he was the only person on this floor due to the commotion below, Taeyong decided to use this golden opportunity.

He entered the office seeing it empty, he quickly took out the small listening device from his pocket and searched for a good hiding place for it. Once he was satisfied with the location, he went behind the desk to go through the stacks of papers he was instructed about.

Between the Lines┃JaeyongWhere stories live. Discover now