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Taeyong finally made it to Jaehyuns penthouse building. He entered the underground parking lot and found a space to park the CEOs car. When he saw a free spot he pulled into it with ease and turned off the ignition.

He looked over into the passenger side to see Jaehyun resting his head on the window, his body turned towards the door. Taeyong patted the youngers shoulder in attempts to wake him up.

Jaehyuns eyes fluttered open after a few seconds realizing he was still in his car which was parked. He turned to see Taeyong staring at him. "Mr. Jung, we're at your home now. I'll help you get inside." is what the older said to him.

He nodded and unbuckled his seatbelt and Taeyong followed suit, then got out of the car to open the passenger door to assist the CEO to stand. They struggled to the elevator, taking it from the parking lot and up to the penthouse floor.

When they arrived in front of the door to Jaehyuns place, Jaehyun supported himself with the wall, while Taeyong entered the passcode for the lock. He then opened the door and held it open with his foot while he supported Jaehyuns weight with his shoulder once again.

They made their way into the place, moving down the hall and finding themselves into the living area. Taeyong set the younger down on the sofa who then stared at him as he walked away. Taeyong went over to the kitchen to pour a glass of water in order for Jaehyun to sober up a bit.

He was lost in his thoughts reeling over the information the younger had shared. Granted, he felt guilty for using the CEO to fulfill his own agenda but he refused to think on it any longer. To Taeyong, it was better Jaehyun than him or his grandma. He couldn't afford to have his judgment clouded.

He made his way back to the sofa and sat beside Jaehyun, who was slouched over with his head in his hands. "Here Mr. Jung, drink this." he said as he handed the glass of water to him. Jaehyun looked up from his hands to see the glass and took it, he then placed it down on the side table next to him.

"Are you alright, Mr. Jung?" Taeyong asked as Jaehyun remained quiet. "Mr. Jung....?" He questioned softly with a confused tone, staring at the younger, who then looked back at him with a glare.

"Ugh, stop calling me that. It irritates me." He snapped at him.

Taeyong arched his eyebrow at him, "Then.... what should I call you?"

"Just call me Jaehyun when we're alone."

"Okay, Jae....hyun.....are you...are you okay?" Taeyong slowly said.

Jaehyun visibly sighed and ran his fingers through his now tousled hair. He turned again to look at Taeyong intently, "Tai.... have you ever felt so.... so helpless? Like, you want to do something but, you don't know what or even how?" Jaehyun answered.

Taeyong thought for a brief moment before he replied, "Yeah, all the time. Do you?"

"I haven't felt that way in a long time... but....I've been feeling that way a lot more recently..." his eyes trailing down the olders face.

"Because of....of your dad?" Taeyong questioned as he gauged the others reaction to the mention of his father.

Jaehyun shook his head, and brought his hand up to cup Taeyongs cheek. "No, not because of him" Taeyongs eyebrows furrowed at the action. He could see Jaehyun staring at his mouth like he did before when they were at Jeju.

"Jaehyun...what are you doing?"

"I don't wanna feel helpless anymore..." the younger said as he traced his thumb over Taeyongs bottom lip, his face inching closer to the others.

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