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Hyunjin brought Sicheng over to the couch and sat him down. Sicheng laid back against the cushion and groaned in pain as he held his side.

"Hyunjin? What happened to winwin??" Taeyong questioned the younger frantically.

Hyunjin let out a sigh, "Not sure. He was beaten up. He probably decided to leave the gang." He said.

Taeyong recalled that a member of the gang can only leave if they are beaten out of the oath or are killed. Once being beaten you'd be let go if you pose no threat to the gang.

He was shocked. He had never heard of how Sicheng joined the gang to begin with but he had been there long before he was. All Taeyong knew was that the boy had some difficulties with his family back in China. For him to decide to leave, and not having anywhere to go, made Taeyong worry.

Taeyong hurriedly went to fetch his first aid kit. When he returned he opened it and took out the antiseptic and some cotton balls.

Sicheng was lying his head on the back of the couch with his eyes shut. He let out a few groans now and then which were signs he was still conscious.

"Hyunjin help me hold him" he said as he dabbed the cotton balls with the solution. Hyunjin did as he was told and Taeyong went closer to the younger boy.

"Hey this might sting a bit" he said to the boy and then began to clean the wounds on his body which caused the other to writhe in pain.

After Taeyong was finished taking care of Sichengs wounds he helped Hyunjin lay him across the couch so he could rest.

Hyunjin left afterwards not being able to tell Taeyong much, all he said was that he found Sicheng at the back of the club in the rain beaten up and took him here. The only words Sicheng spoke to him were to "take him to Tai" and that "he's free" before he broke out in a brief chortle and passed out.

Taeyong brought his blanket and pillow into the living room and slept on the floor next to Sicheng.

Two days after, Taeyong had taken leave from the personal assistant job to nurture his friend back to health. Once Sicheng was able to speak he asked the other why he made the decision to leave. The Chinese boy simply said, "I wanted a normal life too, like you" which made Taeyong feel guilty, for being the cause of his current condition.

Taeyong was currently cooking some soup for the younger to have, he poured it into a bowl and set it on a tray then went to the living room and set it down on the coffee table.

"Here Sicheng, have some" he said as he brought the spoon near to the boys mouth. Sicheng took it without hesitation, "Thanks Tae" he gave a small smile after he gulped it down.

Sicheng could only refer to Taeyong by his real name when they were alone, he had found out when Taeyong had just joined and had suggested the name Tai as an alias, which was Chinese for Tae. That's when he told Taeyong to call him Sicheng instead of Winwin, who few of the members of the gang knew him by, to be even. He was the only friend Taeyong could rely on, and losing him would be as hard as losing his grandma.

Taeyong was glad that the boy appeared to be doing better and had regained his appetite. Taeyong continued to spoonfeed him three more times until Sicheng insisted he could do it himself, as he was beginning to feel embarrassed.

Taeyong went back into the kitchen to clean the dishes since he just couldn't afford for mess to pile up. He then felt his phone buzz in his back pocket. He turned off the pipe and began wiping his hands off before he took it out.

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