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Jaehyun was seated at the desk in his office. He scanned the documents which he held in his hand. He had been successful in acquiring a new supplier and his company was about to launch the new product as a result.

He picked up his mug and brought it to his mouth while he stared at the paper in his other hand. Expecting his coffee which would've been cold by now, he was met by nothing and glanced into the mug to see it had been empty.

Jaehyun hissed and shouted, "Taeil!!" and within a few seconds his secretary appeared at the door.

"Yes, Mr. Jung?"

"I need more coffee," Jaehyun said and resumed his gaze on the papers in front of him.

"Yessir, right away." Taeil said as he scurried to the desk.

The secretary grabbed the mug and exited the office, returning shortly after with it topped up and steam emerging. He placed the mug down on the desk and cleared his throat.

"Ahem, sir..."

"Hmmm?" Jaehyun said not taking his eyes off the files.

"The documents you requested for are ready."

Jaehyun then lifted his head up. He looked confused and seemed to have forgotten which documents his secretary referred to.

Secretary Moon took the folder that he had under his arm and held it in front of him. Jaehyun reached out for it and when he opened it, a small smile formed. Taeils eyebrows raised at his boss's reaction.

"Thanks Taeil, that'll be all."

Secretary Moon then went back to his duties.

Jaehyun flipped through the papers in the folder until he came across the one he wanted. He saw a passport sized picture of the guy he'd been looking for attached to a CV.

Lee Tai, so that's what you're called...

He took it out from beneath the others to read the whole thing. He held the paper closer to study the photo attached which showed Taeyong smiling.

What a fake smile.

Jaehyun displayed a lopsided grin. He could tell that the smile wasn't genuine since he's always had a similar one.

Jaehyun noted the amount of work experience listed, they were mostly temporary jobs. As he continued down the document, he reached to the education section.

"Seoul National University? He must be smart."

Jaehyun leaned forward on his desk with his hands clasped and fingers interlocked. He tapped his hands on his chin repeatedly as he pondered. Minutes later, he pressed a button on the phone to his right.

"Taeil, can you come inside right now?"

Shortly his secretary walked in through the doors, "Yes, sir?" he questioned.

"Contact this person for a job interview," Jaehyun said as he handed the CV over to his secretary.

Secretary Moon looked at him confused. "W-what job?"

"Just hurry up, will you?"

"Y-Yessir..." taeil speedily went out of the office to dial the number on the CV.

Taeyong was at home sitting in his living room as he mindlessly watched the television. His phone began to ring and he noted it was a call from Perfect Bites. He answered it and was put through to the manager. They had asked him why he disappeared from the event so suddenly, which he fibbed about being ill and having to leave early.

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