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At home, Taeyong struggled to find decent work attire. He figured that he may need to purchase a few coloured collared shirts, as his wardrobe was mostly filled with black or white.

After he had donned his best polo, a pair of comfortable jeans and some black clarks, he went out of his apartment and rode his bike to the company. He reached at the time he was instructed and went straight up to the fifth floor.

Remembering the door the secretary had walked out of, he stood in front of it and gave it a few light knocks before he was told to come in.

"Ah, you're right on time. We love punctuality. Alright, first things first we need to get you your ID and I'll give you a quick tour of the place." Secretary Moon chimed as he got up from his desk moving to stand in front of Taeyong.

"Okay" Taeyong gave a quick nod and followed behind the secretary who took him firstly, down the hallway of the fifth floor explaining what happened on this level and where what was.

He then went to the fourth floor to the human resources department to get his company identification card. The remaining three floors were the multitude of stores that were in partnership with the company, who sold most of their products as well as some of their own merchandise.

Once Taeil finished giving Taeyong a tour, they returned to the fifth floor. He had explained some of the duties beforehand, but as things can be unpredictable he advised the other to be prepared for anything.

"If you need any help, just come and let me know" Taeil said as he stood outside the door to his office.

"Will do" Taeyong smiled briefly.

The secretary then disappeared from his sight. Taeyong thought of what he should do now. As it had been early, he decided to prepare the coffee.

He couldn't fathom the fact he'd been downgraded into an errand boy, not only for the mafia but for his target. But if this helped him to finish this job quicker and pay off his debt once and for all, he wasn't going to complain for long.

Taeyong went into the lunch room which was located down the opposite end of the hallway. He opened the cupboards searching for the things he needed.

As he put the kettle to boil, he noted a worker coming in. He bowed slightly to show respect not glancing at the other, before he continued resting on the counter, waiting for the hot water to be ready.

"Aren't you that guy from SNU?" The worker said as they approached Taeyong. Taeyong froze and then flew his head upward to stare at the person before him.

His face did not look familiar at all. Taeyong worried how much this unknown man knew about him, that they mentioned his alma mater.

"Uh...do you know me?" He asked, as he took in the mans features. He was fairly of the same height as Taeyong, with a straight nose, sharp chin and wide smile.

"Not exactly.." the man apparently shy, rubbed his neck.

"Then?" Taeyong arched his eyebrow at him.

"We took the same economics class in freshman year. You may not remember me but we sat next to each other" the other stated.

Taeyongs lips pressed into a thin line. Was he being challenged by the heavens? Why was everything going so haphazardly with this job?

"Ah, I see..." he said trying not to sound agitated.

"Do you work here now?"

Taeyong nodded firmly and heard the kettle go off. He turned to lift it in hopes to use this as a chance to escape this unwanted episode.

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