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A few days passed and Taeyong was called by Taeil reminding him to drop off the dry cleaning and grab breakfast for Jaehyun.

Being the weekend, it was known that Jaehyun wouldn't be leaving his house unless for an emergency and with their new product launch coming up this week it was a given he wouldn't even budge except to use the restroom as emphasized by the secretary.

Taeyong collected the dry cleaning and folded it careful in the compartment under his motorcycle seat. He then went to the nearest restaurant to Jaehyuns place and got the breakfast that Taeil suggested.

He made his way to the CEOs house. Once he arrived he parked in the underground carpark and retrieved the goods and chattels from his motorcycles compartment and headed straight to the front door of the building.

When Taeyong got inside he saw the elevator on the left and pressed the button to go up. He rode it to the top floor where the penthouses were located. Next he scrolled through his phone to find the text Taeil had sent him earlier with the door number and passcode.

Eventually he found the door and entered the code into the doors lock keypad which beeped and clicked. Inside he glanced around appreciating the furniture which were monochromatic and of similar fashion to the ones in Jaehyuns office.

There were lots of glass fixtures and a large window in front of the couch. A few paintings which looked like they belonged in a gallery were hung on each wall he could see. The kitchen was adjacent to the living area with a marble countertop and swivel stools.

He's rich, alright.

Taeyong waddled over to the couch to place the things which were occupying his hands. He laid the garment bag across the couch and placed his helmet down on the cushion. He then went over to the kitchen island to rest the bag with food down on it.

Just when he was about to get his helmet from the couch he heard steps approaching. He turned towards the sound and saw Jaehyun, his face slightly paled at the sight.

Jaehyun had been rubbing his eyes as he walked down the stairs, he was solely in his boxer shorts and had assumed he was alone. As he'd walked the stairs multiple times, he kept his eyes shut from the tiresome feeling and made his way down without a stumble.

Taeyong watched as the younger then scratched his head while he yawned causing his eyes to shut tightly and as Jaehyun was about to turn to the kitchen he opened his eyes and saw a stunned look on Taeyongs face.

"T-Tai? How are you here? H-How'd you get in?"

The olders eyes immediately darted up to the level of the others. "Uh... Secretary Moon called me and asked me to bring you some things... He also gave me the door code..." his voice trailed off.

Jaehyun nodded slightly. He then realized what he had been wearing, "I'll be right back..." he said as he turned to rush back up the stairs.

Taeyong could appreciate that Jaehyun was well built, his muscular torso was the complete opposite of his. Also, Jaehyuns hair was unstyled and his bangs nearly covered his eyes, Taeyong thought it made him look more like a normal person and not a coldhearted CEO.

Minutes later, Jaehyun returned with a white long sleeved shirt and plaid pyjama bottoms. He then took a seat at the kitchen island and pulled the food bag towards him.

"Thanks for the food" he said turning around to see Taeyong seated and checking his phone.

Taeyong looked up from his phone at the younger, "Sure, no problem. Mr. Moon said that you may want dinner as well, what do you want to eat?"

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