Chapter 3

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*forgive my mistakes*

Its been a week, since the surgery. Beam's mother got discharged from the hospital too. but Beam still appointed some full-time nurses for taking care of his mother at home. he was scared to death because of her health issues.he never imagined his mother to hide something so important from him, so he decided not to take any chances from now on.

on the other hand, Forth has become a great help for him. if his mother refuses to take any medicines or do any exercises, all he has to do is, put Forth on the video call or just call him to their house. his mother would be obediently doing everything as said by Forth.

she loved him.

sometimes Beam even wondered how his mother would react after finding out about their real relationship.


one fine morning they were having their breakfast, when Beam's mother told beam to invite forth for lunch that day.

beam had a day off from work that day, so he didn't think much before calling and inviting his 'boyfriend'.

his mother was very happy with all her plans  for the day.


Forth came earlier than he should. he knew that Beam's mother would not take her rest properly, when she knew he would be coming to their house.

that woman loved him wholeheartedly, and for that, guilt was eating him up alive,every passing day. he hated himself for being so low and mean to people like her for the sake of money.

but the money was way more important for him than these emotions.

he helped her in cooking, even he himself, set the table for their lunch.

Beam just silently observed both of them.

then at the table, when both Beam and Forth were sitting next to each other, Beam's mother dropped the bomb.

" I want you two to get married... as early as possible."

Forth froze on his chair. Beam started choking badly.

" what?? you're not joking, are you, mom?" he infuriated.

" what's in it to joke about,Beam? you two already love each other. so it is logical to get married now.  and most importantly, I'll get Forth by my side all the time, this way only. though I don't know how this kind of marriages work.. will you be living with us Forth?"

Beam's mother's innocent demand almost made Forth, break down in tears.

"how could she loved a low life like me that unconditionally!!" he thought. Forth felt really uncomfortable with the turn over of situations. he didn't dare to look at anyone in the eyes.

he was ashamed.

on the other hand, Beam felt furious.

he suddenly started blaming Forth for all this. he thought Forth intentionally acted like a gentleman in front of his mother. he even assumed that Forth had this planned even before they met. this marriage would surely help him to scam money out of him. after all he was an escort.

That kind of people can't be respected and trusted, at all.

they even can sell themselves for the exchange of money.

All of a sudden he felt disgusted towards Forth.

but he can't decline his mother's wish, especially when she is this sick.

doctors have strictly advised him not to excite her much.

he was going crazy,but Forth's words made him go even a bit crazier.

" aunty, your son and I haven't talk about it yet. can we have some time to at least think ?" he spoke gently.

Beam was about to bark at Forth, but the squeezing on his palm from under the table made him stop.

he glared at Forth.

whereas his mother didn't argue with Forth's words.

a marriage is surely a huge event in anyone's life. she understands that.

especially when it comes to her own son, it holds a lot of importance for them.

she hated how Beam changed after his divorce. he has become distant with everyone, hot-headed, always fighting with his inner self . she even hadn't seen him smile heartily, ever since the divorce happened.

so she deliberately wanted him to be happy again. she was planning on getting him married again.

but then Beam came with Forth, and this guy is surely capable of making anyone fall for him.

he took a great care of her. he pampered her with a kind of love,that she craved for long. Beam surely loved her. but he never showed it the way Forth did. and for her, if he is taking a good care of her, he must be doing much more for her son.

She felt ecstatic at thought of her son being all happy and loved. 

after the heart attack, she became real scared. so all she wanted is to see her son be happy.

and she felt, Forth can be the happiness for him. She would do anything to make it happen.


( what do you think will happen next! Will Beam accept Forth as his wedded husband?
And lemme know about your views on this story in the comment section ♥️

~Tania♥️ )

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