Chapter 22

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*forgive the mistakes and happy reading*

After the strenuous morning exercise, both Forth and Beam felt the dire need of food.. they decided to cook together.

So now they were cooking while teasing and laughing at each other's antics. It was one of the happiest mornings for both of them.

Love was definitely evident in the air..

Beam was laughing hard because of the endless tickling when his phone chimed..

And the caller ID made him curse in his mind..

"yeah Kit.. what do you want?"
(A/N: does anyone remember Kit?? And the promise that Beam made to him???)

" well Good morning to you too...."

Beam knew pretty well, why all of a sudden this evil friend of his is calling him now...

" seriously Kit.... what do you want this early in the morning from me.?" Beam almost barked..

"when are you going to get me my tickets for my trip to Europe? You promised me, remember?"

" you'll get them soon..." Beam uttered, feigning anger.. but he was thankful to Kit... if he wasn't there for him, he would never have met Forth... but he would never admit that to Kit.

" so you're admitting that our plan is working...." but before Kit could start with his teasing, Beam cut the call...

" you know, you shouldn't be so cold and mean towards your friends.." Forth's smooth voice was heard from the opposite side of the dining hall, where the open kitchen is.. Forth was cooking for them ..

" Kit teases me a lot.." Beam whined,making Forth chuckle...

Beam pouted hard at that.. he went to his husband and back hugged him,while inhaling his own cinnamon scent.

" Kit wants me to sponsor his Europe trip, as he made me promise when he came up with his plan of making you my fake boyfriend.." Beam muttered while peppering kisses on Forth's wide shoulder blades.

" but I'm worried what he would be doing after knowing, we're husbands now.."

Forth's laugh bloomed all over Beam's lonely boring apartment.. Beam too had a glint of smile on his face.

" Kit and I were friends since I don't know when... almost all my memories from school contain Kit in it. He was more or less the only friend I had all this while.." Forth was listening to it intently.. Beam never shared anything from his past before, except for a tad bit about his failed marriage.

" he was the one,who helped me to stand up again after I broke apart..." Beam subconsciously tightened his embrace around Forth..

"and he is the one, who brought you to my life.." Beam's word brought a smile to Forth's face.

"but he's a crazy guy.. he would be going berserk if he gets to know about us.. and I don't wanna face the CRAZY Kit.." Forth chuckled while pouring some maple syrup to their pancakes.

"let's meet him together and tell him..." Forth said after feeding Beam a sliced portion of the pancake.

Beam excitedly chewed on the food.. He was too much happy today.


Later that day, they decided to go back to Beam's mansion.. Forth was worried about his mother in law and sister.. Beam too had some pending work.. so they left after having their breakfast.


Achara almost ran to Beam when she saw them entering ..

"Beamie... I missed you..." Achara said ,hugging Beam's neck, as he picked her up..

Forth just stood there gawking at his own sister in disbelief...

"you know, I'm right here standing... but nobody greeted me..." he was clearly sulking, making Beam chuckle...

" I didn't miss you, because you scolded me yesterday.. remember,Forthie?" Achara cutely pouted at Forth.

" your brother was worried about you. He couldn't find you anywhere. That's why he scolded you out of fear. He didn't mean it na..." Beam tried to persuade the little girl.

"forgive Forthie this once na, my baby girl.." Forth also apologized for his behaviour. Achara threw herself at Forth and kissed his left cheek, making Beam overwhelmed the all the emotions he felt at once.

Forth too kissed his sister on her forehead.

It was indeed a blissful morning.


Forth entered his room, and the first thing he saw was the vase filled with the white tulips along side two sticks of daffodils.

He smiled while caressing the flowers very softly, carefully.

"I love you so much, Beam.."

"Oh my God!! Is it even possible to grow hearts in our eyes??!!!" the sudden high pitched squealing brought Forth back from his daydreaming..

It was Beam's mother, who entered his room with a teasing smile colouring her face,making Forth blush hard...

"aww!! Now I know, why my son is so smitten..!! you look adorable when you blush..." she teased him,making him red from head to neck. Even his ears turned red.

Forth couldn't look at her in the eyes. He was too shy to do that.

But suddenly he was tightly embraced by Beam's mother, which took him by surprise.

"Forth, love my baby na. He needs it. He went through a lot. He's not a bad person. He's too good from the heart. Please love him back na..." She pleaded while hugging him tightly.

"I love him already, aunty. I know what he deserves. And I'll try my best to give him everything that he needs.. that he deserves.." Forth's voice faltered at the end.

" you are a good boy, Forth.. and from now on call me Mom... just like Beam does."

Forth couldn't held the tears from falling.. He lost his mother at a very young age. And he always loved Beam's mother as his own.. he hugged her tightly while smiling though his eyes were teary.

"Welcome to the family, Forth.." Forth knew already, that it was the best day for him....


A/N: hola...💓🥰

So how was the chapter? Lemme know if you liked it...😅

Thank you for reading and for your precious votes too..

And I'm definitely speechless, knowing that this story has already reached more than 10K reads with more than 1.3K votes and counting.....😍💓

This is one of the best things that happened to me.

Thank you for letting me experience this...

Your support actually influenced me to write... 💓

Thanks a lot for everything, my readers...🤗

Happy reading...😊


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