Chapter 8

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*mistakes are everywhere. Please try to forgive them♥️*

*Beam's POV*

I woke up groaning because of the mind numbing headache.

I tried to process my mind throughout the incidents from yesterday.

The disaster that happened at work came to my mind, I groaned again.

Then suddenly I realized that I wasn't on my bed. In fact I wasn't on any bed. "What is it that I'm laying on!" I thought..

And at that out of nowhere Forth's face came to my mind. I recalled the things I did to him last night abruptly .

I horrified at the thought of what I did to him. I jolted up and fell from the couch and only then I realized I slept on Forth.

I suddenly started feeling nauseated.

I looked at Forth, horrified.
But to my surprise, he had no expressions on his face. He was just blankly looking at the ceiling.

His tear stained cheeks made me feel like slapping myself.. hard..

"Since when I became a monster?" Was all I could think at that time.
I moved towards Forth, to wake him away from his dazed state.

He flinched at my touch but then he looked right into my eyes, as if trying to bore some hole into my soul.

"Do I even have a soul?!!"

We didn't speak for a while. Just looking at each other.

He was with his lifeless stare and mine with guilt ridden.

I couldn't take that stare anymore so I coughed before saying anything, but Forth stopped me.

"Don't.... Don't say anything..
You don't have to say anything.."
His voice was cold, and piercing. So piercing, that it hurt me. I felt like his words stabbed me.

He got up, took his t-shirt from the floor and went directly to the bathroom without sparing a glance at me.

I don't expect him to do that too.

After all anyone would think twice before glancing at a disgusting low life , like me.

I wanted to scream. I wanted to die now.

I'm a monster now.
A very filthy monster.

I sat there, on the floor when Forth came out of the bathroom, freshly showered.

I was just looking at his every step.

He brushed his wet hair with comb, took his phone from the nightstand and left the room.

I know, now he will be waking my mom up. Get her ready for the day. Then they both will go downstairs.

My mom will be all giggling and happy when Forth will make our breakfast.

Mom requested him to make our first meal of the day oneday, and he turned it as his daily routine.

And today was not an exception as well.

I can hear my mom's chirpy voice from here.
Happiness was oozing out it.

I felt devastated of what I did to her.

Then I realized my wrong doings.

I didn't turn into a monster, I was the monster, from the very beginning.

Probably that's why my wife left me for another man.

Nobody can live with a living monster.

But I think it's high time that I should let Forth free from this marriage.

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