Chapter 13

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(Khekhekhe!!! Double updates!! Because I'm absolutely not feeling like studying today!! 😈😈🤣🤣

forgive my mistakes and happy reading 😇)

Beam and Forth entered Beam's room.
Forth was observing every single movement of Beam, intently.
He sensed the nervousness from Beam's fidgeting gestures.

He closed the door behind and confronted Beam.

"Will you please calm down now? I'm not gonna do anything to you. I'm just trying to clear things out here." He softly spoke.

" But why are you doing all these, Forth? I don't deserve to be treated this way. In fact I don't wanna get treated like this. I was better , before you came to my life Forth."

He bit his tongue after saying that. He didn't mean to say it.. not at all.

He saw the sudden change in Forth's expressions. The word 'hurt' was written all over his face.

"See.. this is why I don't want to talk about anything. I'll mess it up only. I'm sorry Forth. But trust me.. I'm tired of being sorry.. I'm tired of apologizing. So.. it's better for you all, that you guys stop bothering me. Don't mind me. Just live your own lives." He pleaded.

"What happened to you, Beam? Why are you shutting yourself up? Will you tell me? Please." Forth asked as gently as possible.

It was breaking his heart looking at the torn man in front of him.

" Forth.. I don't wanna talk to you. Just leave me alone." He coldly said. The stubborn Forth was giving him a headache now.

"I'm not gonna leave here until you tell me everything about you. And if you have forgotten it already, then let me remind you, I'm still your husband. You can't order me around that way." He mulishly uttered.

Beam this time smiled a little. It wasn't out of any sarcasm. He felt somehow happy at how Forth considered himself as his husband.

He looked at the man, who turned his house a 'home' for the past few days.. who has been trying hard to make his mother happy. He even tried to befriend with him as well. But what he got out of it!! Nothing....

He tried to evaluate the things that Forth has been doing to his life.
He knew nobody had ever done things like that in his life.

"Forth , why do you wanna know about me?" He softly asked.

"Can I be honest with you?" Forth answered the question with another question only.

Beam just nodded.
He sat on his bed and motioned him to sit beside him as well.
This night was going to be a long one, he knew it...

Forth sat beside him..

"I don't know Beam. But I always feel like I should help you in this. I know you need help.. I should not leave you alone at this."

" I know a person can not change himself without any reason. And the changes you brought to yourself, is not good.. not at all.." He spoke again.

Beam was intensely looking at Forth's eyes.. as if trying to find a reason, not to trust him for.
But he found none.

He sighed hard.
"What do you wanna know about me?"
He asked.

"Why are you hiding from us since the day we moved in here?"
Forth questioned.

"I..I.. wasn't hiding.. I was working.." he averted his gaze.

"Beam, please be honest. We need to talk this out Beam.. otherwise I can't live here with you.. or do you want us to leave?" He nervously asked.

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