Chapter 21

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A/N: uhm... did anyone miss this story? 🤔
forgive my mistakes and enjoy reading.😊

Beam's POV

I am awake,though my eyes are still closed. I didn't want to open my eyes..

I don't want to change anything what I'm having right now.

I'm hearing the sound of our breathing... and my heartbeat.

It was too peaceful.

I'm still laying on bed with Forth, in my embrace.

I'm too reluctant to open my eyes and make any change, because, I know opening them would only make me admit that all the things we did last night were real and I'm too afraid of what would happen next....

There are a lots of "what ifs" going on my mind.

"what if Forth rejects me now?"

"what if he still wants to leave from my life?"

"what if he still hates me for what I did to him once?"

Suddenly I felt Forth's finger softly brushed my back . and I realized he was awake too. I kept my eyes shut and tightened my embrace around him.

He didn't say anything. His fingers moved up and down my back... ever so softly.... as if not even touching....

I would be happy to start my days like this forever... this felt so peaceful.

"aren't we gonna get up now?" he murmured,still stroking my back. His voice sounded sleepy but sweet...

I chuckled at it making him look at me with a frown in between his eye brows.

"what's funny?" this time his voice sounded more serious and a bit husky.. which only brought the memories from last night back to my mind. I felt my face heating up with a blush colouring my face and neck.

I looked at his face.. we looked into each other's eyes. And that only washed all my worries away from my mind.

This man in front of me definitely loves me. Something in his eyes made me believe this.

"I love you" I couldn't help myself from saying this.

And the smile that bloomed on his face was enough for me to live for.

"I love you... I love you a lot, Forth" I pecked on his lips. 

"But I love you more.." Forth's voice was filled with teasing.. and his eyes held so much of playfulness.

But the sincerity was there too.

I could easily feel that. I smiled at him gleefully and kissed his lips.

The kiss didn't take long to turn into a long passionate one. I moaned when our lips moved in a perfect sync whereas Forth hummed, savouring each other's feelings and love.

Breathlessly we pulled apart and Forth stared into my eyes with an alien expression. He gulped painfully before saying anything.

" Beam.." he cleared his throat, I looked at him with small smile just to hide my nervousness. " I'm sorry Beam, for thinking about leaving you and your mom. I didn't want to think that way. But I got scared of my own feelings." Now his face held so much of guilt that he averted his eyes from my own eyes. He was hurt.... I easily sensed that..

And as if as a reflex, I cupped his face with my hands and kissed his left cheek... "It's okay.. I know..." was all I could say. But Forth shook his head.. " no Beam... you have given me so much... you saved my sister... you make me realize, I can survive without my tag as an escort.. you have given me another life... and I should be grateful to you and should enslave myself to you and your family... I shouldn't have thought of running away.."

Forth's apology and words were enough to ignite the anger in me...

"this is for the last time I'm going to say this.. and I want you not to repeat this ever again..." I tried to control my anger.

" you should never say anything about enslaving yourself or anything like that... not just in front of me... but to anyone... you're my lawfully wedded husband.. I've already discarded all the agreements that we had once upon a time.. so as my husband, I want you to stop thinking like that. In fact I want us to start over from a fresh.." I stated in a firm voice just to show my sincerity to Forth.

But to my amusement, this stupid husband of mine was smiling, not even being a bit effected by my intimidating aura. This guy was surely going to be the death of me.

"What? Why are you smiling?" I asked.. feeling a tad bit irritated.

"Beamie, you look so cute when you're angry...." he almost sang while pinching my cheeks at which I just scoffed.

I decided to leave from the bed and make something for our breakfast. So I tried to get up from the bed when he pulled me hard to himself and I lost me balance at that, resulting in falling down on him.

He was smirking hard and was most definitely getting on my nerve now.

"what do you think you're doing now?" I felt annoyed.

" Loving my husband.." he was back to his playful self. And the way he uttered the word 'husband' , only made the butterflies in my tummy,dance all together. I was pretty much assured of the appearance of the darker shade of crimson red color on all over my face.

" I'm promising you, from now on, I would never think that way about my self. And as you've mentioned before.... we are husbands,so it is my duty to love you and take care of you and your family and I'm going to do that.. so now, Mr. Baramee, can you please smile a little for me and let me love you for some more?" his words were already making me happy and soon we ended up doing our morning exercise in the most pleasurable way...


A/N: please don't forget to vote for the chapter... 

lemme know if you liked the chapter in the comment section....

I'm really sorry for irregularly updating the story.

I hope you all can forgive me..

thank you.😊

~Tania ❤️

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