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"Come on Mabel!" Dipper yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

"Okay, I'm coming!" Mabel yelled running down the stairs with something hidden behind her back. She smiled as she said, "Hey Dipper, where's your hat?" Dipper opened his eyes in realization. He reached his hands in his hair feeling the missing space.

"What?! I just had it! Hold up Mabel!" Dipper yelled, ready to run up the stairs till his twin pulled out the missing cap with the pine tree symbol. "Mabel...." Dipped smiled as he gabbed the cap and placed it on his head. "Alright let's go before we miss the bus."

"Alright. O wait! Waddles!" Mabel yelled watching her pig run down the stairs into her arms. "Now let's go." Dipper walked out with the keys in hand. He locked the door when Mabel walked out then they ran to their bus waiting for their stop. Hours passed and the anticipation was driving both the twins insane. But after hours of waiting. They finally made it to their stop. They hopped off the bus as it drove off to it's next stop. "Come on Dipper! Let's go say hi to everyone!" Mabel yelled as she ran off to the Shack with her brother close behind. "We're here!" Mabel yelled as she busted the door open in excitement.

"O look, isn't is my favorite people!" Stan yelled having his arms open. Then he heard the pig oak as it came in. "And pig...." Mabel ran to hug her grunkle.

"Hi Stan. Is Soos and Wendy around? Where's Great Uncle Ford to?" Dipper asked as he closed the door behind him.

"Hey Madel and Dipper!" Soos said as he approached the twins. They welcomed him into a big hug as they said they missed him. "Y'all sure have grown."

"Soos we're 18 year's old now. We're not little anymore," Mabel said with a big smile on her face.

"That's because you turned 18 last year Mabel," Soos said with a laugh.

"I know. Hey where's Wendy? Isn't she here to?"

"I put here on mail duty. She's in the kitchen." Mabel smiled as she ran off to the kitchen.

"Wait Mabel we have to put out stuff in the room!" Dipper yelled but Mabel was already gone. He huffed in disbelief. Then a hand was placed on his shoulder.

"I'll help you dude," Soos said picking up Mabel's bags. Dipped smiled at him as a thanks as they headed up the stairs to the room.


"Wendy!" Mabel yelled as she saw the redette sorting mail. She looked up seeing the twin giving a smile.

"Hey Mabel. I haven't you forever." Mabel smiled as she yelled, "I am here to help!"

"You just got here. Don't you need to unpack?" She shook her no knowing full well she should but missed the redette too much to do.

"Alright. Here. You can do this half. I didn't know the Shack can get this much less than a day." Mabel took her seat across and started to sort it and read some as well seeing what was important or not.


"Thanks, Soos. Glad you helped me unpack or would have taken forever again."

"No problem dude. So, Dipper, you're 18. Got a girlfriend yet?" Dipper sighed knowing he would ask that. He was grateful to Soos. He helped him a lot with problems. Some things only you can tell between guys.

"No. Every girl I meet think I'm crazy and don't believe me when I say there are real monsters or supernatural in Gravity falls. Well used to but there still is some here." Dipper sighed. He always wanted to date but found interest in him. They see him as some crazy nerd. He did like some girls and hanged out with some, but none liked them. They found him some weak link. Dipper did get strong over the years. He did work out time from time keeping his shape even if his head is in the books. Ever since he found out why Stan was so hard on him when he went into his dreams. He decided to use that as his motivation and kept pushing.

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