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Dipper looks at you. "That's your Mom, (Y/n)?" You wiped the tears that fell.

"Yea.... I just say the day I was born.... Please don't tell that the next memory is what I think it is..." You knew this was coming. When your father had his sense back for a moment he showed you part of the past he lost you which made more sense to you why you were different. The next memory came with a little white fluffy deer with a black part on it's back came running out the cave. Bill walks out soon after with Lyra.

"Are you sure you can go with (Y/n)?" Lyra asked her husband still worried.

"It's fine Lyra. I mean sure he found his powers way to early and now can transform to a deer like you, but I think I can handle our own son." Bill bent to pick up the jumpy deer and used his magic to turn his son back to his human form. "See? Back to his cute baby self."

"Using magic to turn our son back is not handling. Right (Y/n)?" The baby started during it's cute noises as his mama booped his noise.

"No fair, he's always on your side. O well. I'm taking this little prince out." Bill huffed.

"Will you be turning in to a deer maybe?"

"No, I only did that once to make you happy okay. I'm not doing it again."

"Fine, but don't blame me if our son runs away from you as a deer. They are very fast," she giggled out.

"Yea right." He pecks Lyra's cheek. "See you in a little bit my Queen."

"You to my King. Don't get mad if you see princess charming on the way," Lyra said chuckling as she started walking back to the cave.

"This prince is too young for that. Hmph." Bill started to walk into the forest for the stroll. You and Dipper follow Bill since that's both of you could do. After minutes pass. Bill was blasted when he threw his baby boy up. Bill was flown to trees. He gets up from the hit looking for his baby seeing it was still in the air. Both of you turn to see who created the blast.

"That's-" Those red lips grin as she held the baby floating near her.

"O did you think you were going to have a nice walk with you little kid. Sorry well not really. Names Telepatha." She snaps her fingers making the baby disappear. Bill spits out some blood before getting up.

"Yea I sure did think I was going to have a nice peaceful walk. Now give me him back!" He yelled at the shaped star. Bill was worried. He knows If he wastes too much time, Lyra will get worried. He promised her he can handle taking out their son, but now that gem has him.

"Come get her!" She charged at Bill. The battle went on for an hour. Bill gets flown to another tree. He was pretty beat up. Bruises and cuts on him. Maybe a broken nose to. All Bill wanted was his son back. And that's what he's going to do.

"Give me my son back!" He yelled using the tree as support. The multicolored star grinned having her hand out.

"Give me your power," she said. Bill sighed thinking it was the end. The multicolored star shape was about to blast him until she was kicked hard sending her far.

"LYRA!!!!!!!" Lyra Lands next to him worried.

"Are you ok Bill?" She cups his face.

"Yea I'm fine," he said smiling before getting slapped by her. "What was that for?!" he yelled holding his cheek.

"You said you can handle taking our son out but no! You got into a fight with a powerful telekinetic thing!"

"She has (Y/n)." Lyra became mad.

"She has our son...."

"She made him disappear somewhere..." He told her.

"She's dead." Lyra is a peaceful woman. But mess with her family and you get her bad side. Telepatha comes back fast to puch Lyra sending her flying as well.

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