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You woke up feeling refreshed and thought of getting out the bed. When you opened your eyes, you faced a chest. Where am I? And who's chest is this?! You and dipper spent 2 hours cleaning windows every window around the Shack yesterday. You were so tired; you didn't have the energy to get home and you couldn't ask Wendy to take you home since she left an hour before you finished. You were so tired you sat down at the table and fell asleep a bit. You start to connect the pieces that happened yesterday. You remember Dipper came in seeing you after he finished his last window. He was tired as well, but he still picked you up. You remember him lifting you up and you place your head on his shoulder smelling his scent of pine and maple syrup. You let your eyes close, taking in his scent as Dipper took you up the stairs to his bed. Then Dipper placing you on the bed, taking your shoes off as you lay down. Dipper was going to leave but you told him to stay. This chest must be Dippers. You felt his arm around your waist pulling you closer. You relaxed feeling sleepy again. You didn't want to wake up Dipper either way so it wouldn't hurt to sleep in. You smiled nuzzling into his chest and letting sleep take over again.

When you woke up, you were alone. You sat up rubbing your eyes a bit. It's been awhile since you had a good night's rest. You look on the other bed seeing it empty. Mabel's gone to. You ear perked up when you heard the door open. Dipper came in with a tray of breakfast.

"O good you're up." He walked over to you placing the tray on your lap.

"What's this?" He looked at you confused.

"Breakfast in bed?"

"I know that Dip just.... Why?"

"Because. It's something I wanted to do. Eat up." You smiled eating the food. It was so good. You look at dipper seeing he was a mess. He had syrup and flour. You chuckled.


"You look like a mess." He looked at himself seeing he did look like a mess.

"Imma go take a shower. Go ahead and finish up then I'll take you home. Stan gave us the day off so we could hang out. Pretty sure you want a shower and out of those clothes." You nodded agreeing. He went to grab his clothes and left. You smiled feeling the warmth inside. After an hour you and Dipper decided to hang out at both of y'alls favorite place. Running around chasing each other, climbing trees, and even playing with the critters nearby. Dipper checked his clock seeing it was 6:15. He groaned in sadness. He was having so much fun, but he needed to stay on schedule. He got up asking you ti sit up. You did and he sat behind you. He stroked his hand through your hair getting the leaves out of it and maybe dirt as well. You hummed in silence feeling comfortable. He chuckled at you. You lightly punched him on the shoulder. You asked if you could do the same and he smiled. He got up and sat in front of you. You did the same to him and he hummed in glee. You smiled feeling the warmth and butterflies in your stomach. You didn't want this day to end, but as soon as you finish. Dipper got up, having his hand toward you. You looked at him confused but gladly took it. He held you hand as he led the way back to the Shack. As soon as two got there, you froze.

"Surprise!" You started welling up in tears. Dipper looked at you smiling, wiping the tears that formed. You jumped up to hug him then looked at everyone yelling, "Thank you!"

"Come on (Y/n)! Let's party!" Mabel yelled taking you to the other groups of people.

6 hours later

Mabel smiled in delight. She watched as you were having fun with everyone. The whole town was here. She watched you as you were talking to Pacifica at the moment. As much as she wanted to watch. The night was closing in and she needed to continue her plan. She went up on the little stage as Soos gave her a mic. "Okay everyone! Now to crown the birthday boy! Get up here (Y/n)!" You looked confused but walked to Mabel. Wendy came into view placing a yellow flower crown on top of your head. They would have given it to you earlier, but they were so busy setting up the decoration they forgot so Wendy left an hour early to look for the yellow flower Mabel wanted the crown to be. Wendy was able to make it in time. Also, this reminded Mabel when they announce the prom king and queen at the end of the party.

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